Lake Targania Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Lake Targania

This lake in the western half of the Central Uplands is the source of the Opal River. While not the largest lake in south Libynos, it is reputed to be the deepest; in fact, several expeditions have plumbed its depths but none have been able to confirm a bottom. The clear waters of Targania are particularly cold, especially once one descends to a point below which sunlight can penetrate.   During the rainy season, the lake rises considerably, though some scholars note that the rise seems, in fact, out of proportion to the amount of rain that has fallen. As a result, it is believed that an underground source to the lake contributes to the waters that ultimately cause the inundation in Khemit. In some years, a greater rise in Lake Targania seems to correspond to a lesser rise in Lake Sulys, while in other years both seem to exhibit a consistent rise, which leads some to speculate that there may be an underground connection between the two.


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