Lake Nasha Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Lake Nasha

About 50 miles in diameter, Lake Nasha has several small villages along its shore that survive by fishing in the lake as well as doing small-scale agriculture and raising animals such as goats and chickens for food. The area of Lake Nasha has also become home to several herds of elephants, which causes competition for resources. The villagers don’t dare kill the elephants, as that would bring severe reprisals on all the settlements in the area. They are trying to find a way to convince an animal speaker (from somewhere other than Axuum) to come and lead the herds farther east and north away from the inhabited area. From Lake Nasha, the Veli River runs southeast and joins the Seydi River on the way to the sea, making it easy to travel from the lake to the coast.


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