Lake Elb Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Lake Elb

Known on some maps as the “Lake of Glass,” this eerie, large, freshwater lake possesses a mystery that none has been able to solve. While the water is cold, refreshing, and perfectly safe to drink, not one fish or aquatic creature lives in the lake itself. Creatures can swim and bathe in the icy waters with no ill effect other than perhaps a chill from its frigid temperature. Windmill-driven pumps pull water into long irrigation ditches heading to rich vineyards to the north, and the plants and animals around the lake thrive when fed these cold waters.   A second mystery surrounds the surface of the lake, which is unperturbed by winds of any strength, always undisturbed like a calm mirror reflecting the sky. Ripples from anything landing in the lake or swimmers die out quickly, never traveling far enough to truly shift the surface of the lake. Sages and learned men have come up with various, sometimes wild, theories to explain the mysteries of Lake Elb but none can truly explain it. There is something disturbing about the lake, a disquiet that strikes any intelligent observer that comes from the deepest, most primitive parts of the mind. It is far easier to drink the refreshing water, refill one’s canteen, and continue on, than it is to contemplate the mysteries of Lake Elb.


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