Lagish Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Lagish folk live in the Grasslands of Wahm and the Yingozi Woodlands and are the natives of the Channel Lakes region. At one point, those who lived near the Channel Lakes developed a semi-agricultural society centered around a number of settlements, which collectively was known as the Kingdom of Ka’dufaar. When the Alcaldrich conquered the region some 275 years ago, they put all of those settlements to the torch (one of which was rebuilt and became the city of Caduvar). Today, the Lagish are almost exclusively a nomadic, tribal people. Though they continue to tell stories of the glory of their former kingdom, they seem to have grudgingly accepted their new lives, trading with their former Alcaldrich enemies and even adopting their language. Two of the larger Lagish tribes are the Moglai and the Mwandu.   Mostly of average height, those of unmixed heritage have rich brown skin tones, with hair and eyes of deep brown to black, and occasionally dark green eyes. However, many of the Lagish have some amount of Alcaldrich or Bhanakhiran heritage, and so show some characteristics typical of those groups.   Lagish living in the woodland areas have largely retained the use of their original tongue, while many of the tribes near Alcaldar or the Channel Lakes adopted Alcaldrich as their primary language. Lagish are seldom found anywhere other than their native homelands and the margins of neighboring countries.


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