Kurz Wood Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Kurz Wood

A mere stone’s throw from nearby Glaivr, the Kurz Wood would likely qualify as the most heavily developed forest in the region. Sawmills line the Kurz Wood’s northern perimeter, giving Glaivr’s merchants easy access to its lucrative timber products. Trappers and loggers take up residence in small villages scattered throughout the forest’s interior. Crude paths cutting through the undergrowth form a network of routes connecting the settlements to one another and the main road leading to Glaivr. The rugged men and women who live off the land in the Kurz Wood consider this stretch of wilderness safer than a typical city block in a bustling metropolis. Nonetheless, they are careful to avoid contact with the dryads who defend their sacred oaks and a band of centaurs who can be easily riled to anger. Despite peaceful outward appearances, some settlers have been expressing alarm over a rash of unsolved acts of sabotage against the forest’s timber and fur industries. A growing number of trappers are complaining about someone or something destroying their traps, while the irate woodsmen gripe about missing equipment, dull saw blades, and frayed ropes. In each of these incidents, someone carved the likeness of a smiling rabbit with disproportionately large upright ears onto the nearby trees. The images perplex local residents and authorities alike who seem unsure what to make of these actions or speculate who or what could be behind them.


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