Kaf Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Kaf are uncommon in Akados, being unique to only one place on the continent: the Kildren Peninsula and nearby Sand Hills where they roam, hunt, and conduct some trade with coastal cogs or the occasional merchants that they approach on the Soldier’s Road. No other known enclaves of the Kaf exist in the rest of Akados or Libynos. They speak a language called Ruiki and are the only known speakers of that language.   Their principal settlement is Kaf Village, but smaller farms and villages are scattered across the peninsula. Scholars who know of them tend to think they may be related to the K’Haln located north beyond the river Xircos, but no firm connection to the horse people has been established. Records also don’t show how or when the Kaf came to dwell on Kildren Point.   The Kaf are fierce horse warriors that fight with lance, shortbow, and saber. They wear armor of layered leather and onion-domed helmets that have a Fringe of fur. They tend to have pale skin with straight black hair and black eyes, and the men are prone to beards and moustaches. Most Kaf have high, angular cheekbones that give them a fierce predatory look and a reputation for a sour disposition. They dress in colorful pants and vests with felt jackets. They are known to be cheerful and boastful at feast but hard and taciturn at other times.


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