Jungle of Malagro Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Jungle of Malagro

The Malagro Jungle stretches along the east coast of eastern Libynos, between the Scythirian Mountains and the sea. At least three distinct major tribes are attested to in the archives of the Crusader Coast, with many sub-groups said to exist. In the south is the Mintaya tribe, which is largely isolationist and seldom has contact with westerners. In the central part is the Mettubo tribe, a strong group with good weapons. Those are necessary to protect themselves against the more-numerous Mguru, which are in the north.   All the tribes are known to practice cannibalism, though whether it is done only as a sign of victory in battle or whether it is a regular habit is undetermined. All three tribes also hold to the practice of taking the heads of those they vanquish, removing the bones by some method only they know, and then shrinking the skin so that the whole head could belong to a child’s toy but is still recognizable as that of a defeated enemy. Powerful warriors and tribal shamans often sport strings of these heads to show their prowess.   The Mguru tribe had the most contact with the Crusader States but generally left the settlers from Akados alone. It was only at the very end, when most of the crusaders had left Tircople and gone in search of glory elsewhere, that the Mguru came boiling out of the jungle and overran the city. They put all the inhabitants to the sword and finished the complete destruction of that once-mighty city. Why they did so remains a subject of much debate among scholars, and no satisfactory reason has yet been discovered.   Today, the Mguru and the other tribes of the Malagro carry on their lives in much the same way as their distant ancestors. Inhabitants of the islands of the Crusader Coast seldom go ashore near the jungle, and people of the tribes are seldom seen out from under the trees, so there is little conflict between the two. Occasionally, however, explorers or exploiters try to search for ruins of the Crusader States or acquire other resources of the jungle, and they are often in jeopardy because the tribes are alert for intruders.


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