Jhoni River Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Jhoni River

From a source on the north side of The Cauldron mountain range, the Jhoni River runs primarily northward to the Caerulean Ocean. Though the southern portion of the Jhoni is hot and smells unpleasantly of sulfur due to the high volcanic activity near its source, many small tributaries flow into it along its route and dilute it into a relatively normal river by the time it reaches the bustling Ejindor river docks.   Not far north of Ejindor, the Jhoni plummets down the tall and rocky Jhoni Falls, into a sheltered grotto where many river vessels typically stand at anchor. The rest of the Jhoni’s journey northward is through a narrow canyon, such that its mouth pours forth between two sheer cliff faces, which explains why no coastal city has sprung up beside it. Instead, ships small enough to make the somewhat narrow voyage sail up to the Jhoni Falls where an ingenious winch and pulley system hauls smaller landing craft up the side of the falls and allows them to paddle the rest of the way to Ejindor for the region’s major commerce.   In weather and river flow, the Jhoni is a safe and predictable passage during all seasons but the winter floods, though experienced captains know to bring appropriate guards and equipment for dealing with the Tengu bandits that unpredictably attack some Jhoni Canyon vessels, and whose lair has yet to be found.   The Jhoni is always an unusually warm river due to its Cauldron source, and both fishing and river sports are quite popular in Ejindor, even in colder months. The river is barely lukewarm by that point in its journey, but it never freezes, nor does it experience flooding due to any sort of spring thaw. It floods when it rains, rarely to any inconvenient degree for Ejindor residents, and the waters recede when the rain stops. Only in the Jhoni Canyon is this a danger, as the narrow canyon walls funnel the floodwaters into dangerous rapids. A good river captain knows to watch the weather in the vicinity and allow the river time to subside after any flood-worthy rainstorm.


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