Jaata Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Jaata are native to the lands of far northeastern Libynos. Despite its location at a high northern latitude, Jaati is kept warm by the waters of the Great Eastern Current, along with the odd effects of the Tropic of Arden. Most Jaata live in coastal cities or villages that line the many rivers of the region, while much of the interior is sparsely populated.   Among the shortest of humankind, the Jaata also tend to be slender, though they still can be quite strong, which often surprises those not familiar with their people. They have skin color that ranges from the golden-brown of sandalwood to deep browns of rosewood or walnut, with eyes that are almost always black, and black hair that is usually fine and straight. Women usually grow their hair long and braid or wrap it, while men seldom grow hair past their shoulders but cultivate their beards carefully. Usually fine-featured and graceful, the Jaata are considered by many outsiders to be the handsomest people in the world.   Jaata often wear clothes of colorful silk, along with jewelry of gold and silver. Such jewelry is a symbol of status but also a way to carry one’s wealth, so most people wear some all the time and even more on special occasions.   The Jaata trade widely and form enclaves in many large cities. One of the largest is in Shabbis, and a large population even lives as far as Castorhage in Akados. They speak Meeruwhan. The Jaata are believed to be distantly related to the Gtsang of western Akados, who are said to have migrated from Jaati thousands of years ago.


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