Istafluminan Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Istafluminans are the natives of the fertile river plains and rolling hills bounded by the deep Ashurian Desert on the west and the high Zakros Mountains on the east. Their cities are some of the oldest in the world, many of which were founded at the very dawn of human civilization. Today, their merchants can be found throughout much of northern and central Libynos, from the Ammuyad Caliphate to Khemit. The Adenians have even established colonies in Jaati and on Tyrnos Island.   To an outsider, Istafluminans would easily be classified as Ashurians, though they consider themselves of separate ethnicities. Istafluminans have somewhat darker skin than most Ashurians, with black or brown eyes and almost uniformly black hair. Both women and men elaborately style their hair, though some cut it short or even shave their heads. Men often have well-kept beards, often styled, though some do choose to be cleanshaven. The people of the Zakros Mountains — the Adenians, Hurardu, and Kymmurean tribes — are somewhat taller than average, with slightly lighter skin.   Istafluminans speak Hakhaddic, which as a spoken language seems to have some similarities to Semuric, though the written forms are very different.


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