Halflings Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The presence of halflings is virtually ubiquitous throughout the whole of Akados, particularly in the lands that at one time or another were under the dominion of the Kingdom of Foere. Their original homeland may be in the area of The Dale and the Low Country, in the western part of the Principality of Olduvar, though there is some support for their origin in the Old Tors Road in the holdings of the overking of Foere.   Most halflings live rustic lives, often in the countryside, where they plant gardens, grow grains, and raise sheep and other smaller livestock. Some, however, have found their way to major towns or cities, and in some cases have reached heights of substantial influence and wealth, becoming successful merchants, guildmasters, or business owners. Some few have even found a degree of notoriety as adventurers or rogues, a status that secretly pleases many of the otherwise quiet halfling folk.


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