Gundlock Hills Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Gundlock Hills

Much of these sprawling hills of Sunderland are considered comparatively safe, particularly the western portion. A fair number of villages are here in proximity to the Trader’s Way and King’s Road. This area boasts orchards and is fine vineyard country, though many of these are overgrown, having been abandoned after wars and skirmishes in the past. Bats can be a nuisance at night due to their occasional tendency to swarm, and the dire bats and mobats that hunt the more desolate regions that are capable of carrying away a goat or peasant are much more of a problem. The eastern portion of the Gundlocks, however, is much less populated and wilder. Violent humanoids roam these eastern hills in small packs, though they have yet to gather into groups large enough to pose a threat to anything other than isolated farmsteads.
Rolling Hills


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