Glimmrill Run Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Glimmrill Run

This tributary of the Great Amrin River runs almost due south from the edge of the Forest Kingdoms, through the gorge beneath Derindin, before emptying into its larger counterpart on the western boundary of Eastreach Province. The Unclaimed Lands form much of its western bank south of the Tradeway, while minor baronies and fortified estates connected by a patchwork of neglected roads litter the eastern bank. Piracy plagues almost the entire length of the waterway south of Derindin. The buccaneers significantly curtail trade along the river as Eastreach Province is either unwilling or unable to dispatch vessels to patrol the river. A few towns along the banks take matters into their own hands and arm their ships with a small contingent of mercenaries. While these precautions safeguard their cargo and crew, no one has mounted an organized offensive against the brigands who receive safe harbor from petty landholders along the river’s edge in exchange for a share of their ill-gotten loot.


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