Ghazaks Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Ghazaks are nomadic bands of Semuric-speaking peoples who wander the island-realm of Mulstabha between Akados and Libynos. These small family and clan groups of tall, pale-skinned, white-haired humans are as phenotypically different from the Mulstabhins as could be imagined, yet they alone are able to move unhindered through Mulstabhin territory with impunity. Most folk think it is because there are so few of them and that they represent no threat or great burden to the city-state, while others claim it was because they inhabited the island long before the Mulstabhins. Still others whisper that it was the ghazaks who first taught the secrets of Mulstabhin astrology to the ephemerides. Whatever the reason, the ghazaks are few in number and are rarely seen in their wanderings upon the island.


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