Geara Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Geara is located on the Heshbon River in southern . It is near the eastern extent of Khemitian control and, being subject to occasional attack by roving bands from Numeda, boasts a high, thick city wall. The strong military unit stationed here is responsible for protecting both the city itself and the nearby mines and their workers.   Despite having access to the river’s water, the rocky soil about Geara makes for poor cropland. Many locals herd goats and sheep in the hills. Others work in the nearby copper and iron mines, which provide the region’s major trade exports. The copper mines are quite old, and having been worked over hundreds of years, are on the verge of depletion. From the products of the iron mines, the Tahmakhtim produce various types of bladed weapons, breastplates, and tools. They are able to send goods by caravan to Djanet or ship them from Geara’s small port on the Heshbon, which is served by small boats that come up through the Gulf of from the Ruby Sea.   Residents of Geara have a temple to Sekhmet and one to Menu, and some shrines to Khemitian deities such as Tuart for personal protection, but they are not a pious people. They do have a lot of superstitions, though, and invoke unspecified blessings or protections by their use. Close study would show that many of these superstitions seem related to the old gods of ancient Peleshtia. The Khemitian authorities are unaware of the old temples cut deep into the Jeshennin Mountains and are oblivious to the fact that some still worship there.


Geara, City of
City Administrator Zalmon Kebar


26,575 (mostly Khemitite)
Owning Organization


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