Gaelon River Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Gaelon River

Stretching from the Sinnar Ocean near the city of Endhome to the mountains far west of the city, the Gaelon River is a vital trade route between the sprawling metropolis at its mouth and the smaller settlements lining its banks. These farming communities along the water’s edge trade their crops, livestock, and other locally produced goods for more exotic fare imported from distant Endhome. The slow-moving, wide river can easily accommodate keelboats and river barges until it reaches the town of Deadfellows west of Gaelon River Bridge. At this juncture, numerous cataracts and shallows cause watercraft larger than a rowboat to run aground or crash into the rocks protruding from the rapids. In addition to the river basin, numerous small tributaries and streams branch off from the main body of water, though these waterways are typically too shallow and narrow for vessels larger than a fishing boat to navigate. The well-stocked river supports a wide variety of marine animals such as pike, catfish, bass, and some crab species that are prized for their sweet, tasty meat. One local fish tale claims a prehistoric turtle as large as a typical residence dwells in the deepest part of the river. However, no one has reported seeing this oversized reptile for more than 50 years. Nonetheless, residents playfully refer to the mythical beast as the Great Shell.


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