Fortress Castrobal Building / Landmark in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Fortress Castrobal

Fortress Castrobal was founded to give Alcaldar a foothold among the humanoid tribes of the western woodlands. That being the case, it is much stronger than the forts of the Channel Lakes, or even those of its colonies on the eastern coast. It has a stone wall, and the roofs of its buildings are slate to ward off attacks with fire. It also has a larger guard force, with more than 170 soldiers present. The fortress has an excellent well and deep cellars where the troops store enough supplies for a siege of months, though they could not withstand years. A rudimentary pier allows ships to dock and vessels of the Imperial Navy stop by on a regular basis, as Castrobal is considered important in Alcaldar’s eventual program of expansion.


Castrobal, Fortress

Commandante Alfonzo-Gudesteo of Hacienda Esterquel

military commander

178 (Alcaldrich)

Owning Organization


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