Forest of Orman Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Forest of Orman

At the eastern end of the Isthmus of Irkaina, not far from the shores of the Sea of Spice between Akados and Libynos, is a towering forest of gigantic pines with heights reaching as much as 600 feet. By all rights this should not be here, since there is no break in the flat terrain and no body of water or other geographic feature that would support a forest in the midst of the grasslands, much less one composed of such enormous trees.   In fact, the Forest of Orman is not a natural feature, and would not exist but for powerful magic. A kingdom of elves and fey dwells within the forest, and their arcane rituals carved into standing stones lining the forest’s edge keep it intact. This magic alters the climate in the region so that rain falls daily, though always in a light drizzle that provides enough moisture for the forest to remain. Cool breezes waft mists between the giant trees and deposit a glistening coating of jewel-like dew. Grass fires stop at the edge of the stones, unable to touch the trees beyond. The enchantment is so powerful that time passes differently within the forest: it is always midsummer, days pass in endless sunshine or under rainbow-producing showers before becoming equally long nights, and a day is as long as a month outside. This magic is ancient and beyond the ken of the free-spirited and wild inhabitants of the Forest of Orman.   Early in the days of the conquests by the caliphate, soldiers of the caliph heard stories of the forest from the local nomads. After a few expeditions were lost, the land within the standing stones was forbidden to the army and later colonists. This prohibition lasts to this day and is enforced by the forces of Pelshtaria, even though they do not fully understand the reason.


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