Ems Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Transformed by years of military control, Ems is an efficiently organized city with wide cobblestone streets organized in a simple grid. Military barracks and apartments line the inside of the tall stone walls enclosing the city. Open city squares and parks separate many of the other buildings, including shops, apartments, homes, and government offices. Large metal smelting and metalsmithing operations are located in the southern portion of the city. Vast stables housing the cavalry, as well as the supply wagons, are located inside the northern wall away from the smells and sounds of the metal operations to the south. Training yards for all forms of military practice are found inside and outside the walls.   It is only the presence of a number of civilian shops, taverns, and other businesses that separates Ems from simply being a large fortress. The sturdy walls and potent defenses combine with the constant noise of the marching and training of soldiers inside the city walls to provide a constant reminder that this city is always prepared for war. In fact, by the overking’s decree, this city’s sole purpose is to provide for the training and provisioning of his military forces.  

History and People

Corruption and abuses of the Geoth family caused the County of Roy and Ems to be turned over to strict military control several hundred years ago. Over time, Ems was transformed into a highly-organized city with advanced defenses, water and food storage, and an advanced sewage system. Garbage collection and disposal is also controlled by the military to keep the city streets clean and passable, as well as to cut down on vermin and disease.
  All economic industries here are controlled by the military or, at least, are designed to fully support the military. While there are many ordinary citizens here plying their business, mostly in the form of taverns, eateries, gambling houses, and brothels, produce coming in from the surrounding fields and the iron ore and smelting operations are meant to provide for the military. While some citizens initially feared military control, most residents now enjoy the safety the strong military presence and order provides.   The western side of the city is devoted to massive warehouses for food and weapon storage as well as large barracks for housing soldiers. It is actually rare that all of the barracks are full, as most troops are rotated in and out of the city in part for training, but also to avoid overtaxing the resources of the city itself. In times of heavy troop rotations, the population of the city can grow by more than 50% for a period of several weeks.   Palaces and mansions of the noble families found guilty of crimes against the crown so many centuries ago can be found in the eastern section of the city. Most were transformed into housing for the top military officers and their families long ago, with some sold to the families that have taken over the mining and smelting operations on behalf of the kingdom.


Ems, Cathedral City of

Lord-Commander Norgrim Lorant; Archdeacon Roeder Steelgrace


47,400 (33,435 Foerdewaith, 4,200 Halfling, 3,980 mountain dwarf, 1,320 half-elf, 1,190 human mixed ethnicity, 1,105 high elf, 950 Gnome, 720 half-orc, 500 other)

Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome

Archeillus, Belon the Wise, Dre’uain the Lame, Mick O’Delving, Mitra, Stryme, Thyr

ironwork, manufactured goods, foodstuffs, spirits (wine), trade

Technology Level

Included Locations
Owning Organization


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