Dunchamba Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Dunchamba is the capital city of Bhanakhiri and the location of Ottiarks’ Hall, the meeting place of the Council of Ottiarks. It is a large city, full of bureaucrats and the people who serve and support them. Bureaucrats of all five factions run the various parts of the government, according to the currently negotiated division. Happily, it is not necessary to bribe officials to get something done. However, in important matters, a little gift as thanks in advance seldom goes amiss.   While the Council of Ottiarks is led by the senior member (currently Sasithorn Wi Gom of Jewel), the capital city is governed by a hexarg named every fifth year by the council’s then-most-junior member to achieve a better balance of power. Each ottiark’s city estate is of course served by faction personnel. The great hall, on the other hand, is staffed by hereditary servants who value the council as a whole more than they do any particular faction.   As the largest city, Dunchamba is well stocked with great temples, their carved, gilded spires glowing in the sun. The most popular of these is the temple of the god Sifkra, Who Loves Coins. Only a little less popular, though, is that of Anana, the Lady of Luck and Gold. Some city-dwellers also worship at the temple of Serena, the Peaceful Lady, while others attend the temple of Ahtizerr, The Magic One, or any of the numerous other locations.   One notable feature at each public building — hall, temple, inn, tavern, or shop (and even many private houses) — is the carved spirit house outside the entrance. Intended to attract the attention of wandering spirits who might otherwise enter the structure and cause trouble, spirit houses tend to resemble temples in their carved details and spires. One large inn that has stood in the same place for hundreds of years and seen many deaths inside its walls has a gilded spirit house nearly 10 feet tall to provide for all the spirits that might instead haunt its spaces.   The arena in Dunchamba is a marvel. Local people claim it is more than 2,000 years old, and it possesses an amazing system of chains and pulleys that can lift gladiators or pieces of setting right up into the middle of the floor. With all the factions represented in the city at all times, and many wealthy people living here much of the year, sponsored events take place in the arena several days a week. In addition to gladiatorial duels and battles between faction mercenaries, the area regularly hosts races. These include foot races of various lengths, dog races, and the ever-popular ostrich racing.   Ostrich carts are also popular in Dunchamba these days. With the right type of harness, a fully-grown ostrich can pull an adult in a lightly built cart, or even a sparse carriage with a driver and passenger. The Ottiarks consider themselves above such nonsense, but common gossip says that the wealthy faction leaders know they are too heavy for an ostrich, even with the lightest cart. The exception is the rail-thin Prasert Yok Khla of Gold, who seems quite pleased to drive himself around the city with a servant riding in the back.   A well-maintained road runs south from Dunchamba to Surthani, and also north to Xonburi. No government roads run into the interior; roads going east from the coast are built and maintained by various factions, and travelers must pay a fee to use them. There is no fee to use the rivers for transport, though there may be fees for the convenience of docking at a town or village along the way.   Just outside Dunchamba is a harbor built by the ancient ones, which was repaired and put back into use several centuries ago as the main base of Bhanakhiri’s navy. The navy is commanded by Nayokoei (admiral) Arthit Lam Narathat. He has ships patrolling all along the coast, but the number of ships that can be stationed in Surthani is regulated by treaty with Kaldiloora. Negotiations are going on to increase that number temporarily, to deal with the pirate incursions in the area.


Dunchamba, City of

Hexarga Wattana Buri Zai of Gold


203,149 (199,456 Bhanakhiri, 3,693 other human ethnicity)

Owning Organization


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