Dragon Hills Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Dragon Hills

The Dragon Hills span a section of the eastern coast of Akados south of Glaivr and Elise and north of the Shorsai Forest, and stretch from the ruins of Tsar and the Desolation to the west to the shattered remains of Oxibbul to the north. The hills are generally scrubland with a few trees dotting the slopes. Large rocky outcrops and eroded gullies pockmarking the landscape impede travel, especially vehicular traffic. The Dragon Hills derived their name from the two families of dragons who dwell here, one blue and one green. Fortunately for the hills’ other inhabitants, the covetous monsters spend their waking hours trying to steal treasure from their rival family or better yet, slay one of their adversaries in the process. Trolls, ogres, gnolls, goblinoids, orcs, and dire animals infest the Dragon Hills in surprisingly large numbers as well. Glaivr and Elise send armed patrols into the hills to keep these creatures’ numbers in check and simultaneously monitor the activities of the dragons who periodically raid livestock from the towns’ farmers and ranchers.   The Dragon Hills contiguously stretch to the boundaries of the Shorsai Forest, yet the dragon’s hegemony over the land roughly ceases just past the midway point between its northern and southern borders. The Kingdom of Acregor rules over much of the Dragon Hills, exerting its influence over its domain from the capital city of Aranost — other than the Southern Reaches, which are the hunting grounds of the dragons.
Rolling Hills


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