Daglaroke Mountains Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Daglaroke Mountains

Daglaroke Mountains This small cluster of mountains sits off the Reaping Coast in the Ambicuaria Jungle north of the town of Chologadi. The steep slopes undergo frequent rock falls that make living in the area dangerous. It is the home mostly of goatherders and intrepid souls who climb the peaks looking for raptor eggs and other rare substances. Prospectors also traverse the mountains as they search for veins of valuable minerals or sources of gems. Rumor says that the mountains held a source of sapphires in the distant past, but that has been lost (or possibly mined out) for generations. The peaks are honeycombed with caves, some large enough for entire villages. Within these mountains is a high-altitude lake whose waters pour over a 300-hundred-foot high waterfall, the source of the fast-flowing Yenbe-le River.
Mountain Range


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