Coralite Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Coralites, once known as the Yalts, occupied the lands now known as the Domain of Hawkmoon in southeastern Akados until 2496 I.R., when they sailed en masse to a coral reef in the Sinnar Ocean where they founded the city of Coralis.   A peaceful folk, Coralites stand four to five feet tall and have a bulky build. Their skin is a deep, rich chocolate color, and their hair is long, dark, and streaked with red or blonde. Both men and women wear garments of diaphanous silk in bright, vibrant colors. The Coralites are known for their art, learning, and music. They have evolved to facilitate underwater exploration around their reef and are able to dive to 1000 feet without suffering negative effects.   Coralites speak their own unique language.


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