Caterwaul Peaks Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Caterwaul Peaks

Rising on the western end of the island as an extension of the Matagost Range beyond the strait, the Caterwaul Mountains serve as a foreboding natural fortress in the heart of Ramthion Island. Ruins from the time of the Ancient Ones still dot the peak, and the great fortress of Farketh Knowe stands on the high precipice of Mount Marvel. Many small Ramithi villages have sprung up in hidden dells and valleys as refugees from the lowlands seek to escape the Oceander invaders. These stubborn people have appointed a war leader to lead them in their rebellion against the invaders centered at the ancient Heldring fortress.   The peaks themselves are steep and jagged, broken by many narrow, high-walled valleys and precipitous waterfalls. The terrain is perfect for a guerrilla war against the conventional armies of Oceanus, and the Oceanders appear to be no closer to flushing the resistance out than they were when they began. A mountain village culture has developed among the Ramithi, and anyone who knows their hidden ways can find communities prospering, with children playing among the women who go about their business of weaving, building, and trading while the able-bodied men continually train for battle. At night, the fires are lit, and dancing and feasting take place in the streets while the folk forget their troubles for the moment and remember their lost homes on the rivers.
Mountain Range


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