Caravanserais Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Each caravanserai on the Great Caravan Road has a solid stone wall, a large open courtyard, and covered areas where people and animals can crowd together in case of a sandstorm. Every caravanserai has a reliable source of water (whether an oasis, a deep well, or some magical source), and they work hard to keep supplies of food on hand for animals as well as people. The sole purpose of some caravans is to resupply the Caravanserais.   Being separated from each other by a day’s journey, and being separated from their titular lords by an even farther distance, the local rulers possess great leeway in the exercise of their authority. A caravanserai whose governor is also a pasha (military commander) has a unit of the caliphate’s Grand Army stationed there to provide security against threats too large for the guards of a caravan or caravanserai to handle. These mounted units patrol up and down the caravan route.  
Caravanserai NameGovernorTypical High Season Population
Tirwal, Satrapy ofSharifa Nura ibnat Tabassum400
al-Laqant, Satrapy ofSharif Burhan ibn Khalid300
Walbah, Satrapy ofSharifa Rajiya ibn Zaahir al-Bhutani400
al-Hadra, Satrapy ofPasha Akram al-Hava500
Saris, Satrapy ofEffendi Ridwan ibn Umran400
Wasqah, Beylik ofBegum Nimat ibnat Rahat400
Martulah, Satrapy ofPasha Khayrat al-Junayd400
Sammurah, Emirate ofAmira Fathiyaa ibnat Malak5,000
Beni-Hadith, Satrapy ofEffendi Lutfi ibn Harith250
Gaiyan, Ruins ofNone0
Salt Springs, Satrapy ofPasha Hari Abubakkar3,500
Qunkah, Beylik ofBey Esmail ibn Shahnaz500
Laridah, Satrapy ofEffendi Yunus ibn Dana300
Nagirah, Beylik ofBey Shadi ibn Ilyas350
Uryulah, Satrapy ofPasha Bassam Nurulrad400
Ethbosy, Emirate ofEmir Mehmet ibn Sayid5,000
Basit, Satrapy ofSharif Ikram ibn Irfan350
Sokolla, Satrapy ofEffendiya Ghada ibnat Afzal325
Marida, Satrapy ofSharif Wafai ibn Sheddad375
Tutilah, Satrapy ofEffendi Qadir ibn Omar200
al-Yussanah, Satrapy ofSharif Nabil ibn Hisham475
Kemaleddin, Beylik ofBey Canim ibn Husrev300
Als, Satrapy ofPasha Anisa ibnat Qamar250
Ubbadah, Satrapy ofSharifa Fayruz ibnat Makram375
Garundah, Emirate ofAmira Izdihar ibnat Rasul3,250
Tarifah, Satrapy ofSharif Amjad ibn Munir250
Rundah, Satrapy of Effendiya Basira ibnat Shukri425
Istiggah, Satrapy ofPasha Haroun ibn Akram175
Arnit, Beylik ofBey Galal ibn Samad300
Qarmunah, Satrapy ofSharif Jinan ibn Najim350
Tarasunah, Emirate ofAmira Zubaida ibnat Farah Al Ammu4,750
Turgut, Satrapy ofSharif Parlak ibn Fahd500
Saqaban, Beylik ofBey Topal ibn Solih200
Al-Bunt, Satrapy ofSharifaTahira ibnat Talib400
Lawraqah, Satrapy ofPasha Mazin al-Rasheed550
Liyyun, Satrapy ofSharifa Nashwa ibnat Amani675



see below

governor appointed by the caliph, either a bey or the more-prestigious satrap; some may also be pashas (military commanders)

varies (from 250 to 1,000+ depending on day and season)

Owning Organization


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