Burkeston Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Protectors of the Helwall and the northern peninsula, the people of Burkeston consider themselves the first line of defense to any invaders from beyond the ancient wall raised by the Hyperboreans. Ever vigilant and serious about their military prowess, the Burks are a fierce people with little tolerance for visitors who seek to disrupt the peace of the town. Many travelers have found themselves quickly dispatched by even the youngest of militia-men and in need of the healing services of the local clergy. Nearly three-quarters of the men of Burkeston can be ready to march to battle within a few moments and always seem more than willing to search out conflict and war.   Though there has been little conflict along the Helwall in generations, the people of Burkeston remain a tough and, to outsiders, an often mirthless folk. They are devoted to their families and livelihoods, holding these and their combat prowess above all else. It is mandatory that all Burks participate in daily training with sword and shield, lance, and longbow. Even children of five or six years of age can take down a bird in flight with a longbow.   As trade continues to grow between the Heldring and Cerediun Province (and the lands beyond), the road across the Helwall has seen a substantial increase in merchant traffic and other travelers in recent years. As the northernmost Heldring town on the Long Road, Burkeston has profited off of the trade by providing services to those passing north or south, collecting tolls for use of the road, and occasionally hiring themselves out as guards for caravans or others seeking protection in the peninsula.   The blacksmiths of Burkeston are renowned for their speed and quality of work, often drawing comparisons to dwarven skills. Excellent bowyers and fletchers can also be found in the village, though most are unwilling to trade their wares to outsiders.   Burkeston maintains a strong relationship with the smaller village of Berrocburh to the west and lends soldiers to assist in driving growing goblinoid clans back into the Cumorian Mountains from time to time. In return, the Berros supply their allies with small amounts of a rare fish egg found along the western coast that the inlanders consider a delicacy.   Ealdorman Orlan Fjordson rules Burkeston alongside a council of 13 elders elected by all residents of the town able to wield a sword. No Burk may run for council until they are of 30 years of age and may not hold a council seat for more than 10 years in total. By tradition, the vote of the council is to be accepted by the ealdorman (who holds a double vote on the council), though on rare occasions its decision can be overruled.   The town of Burkeston is always under threat of raids from the Cumorian Mountains, and occasionally from bandits seeking to attack traffic on the Long Road. However, the town is always in a state of preparedness and eager to meet any conflict head-on.


Burkeston, Town of

Ealdorman Orlan Fjordson


4,750 (3,989 Heldring, 511 Foerdewaith, 250 human mixed ethnicity)

goblins, orcs, and trolls of the Cumorian Mountains (and some thrydreg)

Common, Helvaenic

Eostre, Thyr, Wotan the All-Father

trade, steel, sheep and goat herding, some farming

Heldring, though most common Akadonian currencies are accepted, as is barter

Technology Level
Dark Ages

Owning Organization


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