Big Bay Island Organization in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Big Bay Island

The island that most Northlanders are familiar with, Big Bay Island is named for its large protected bay that lies along its eastern edge. The opening to Big Bay is deep and clear of obstruction, making it easy to navigate and nearly impossible to close off. A broad beach fills the interior arc of the bay and provides plenty of room to bring longships ashore and set up camps. Streams of fresh water runoff from the mountainous interior of the island, the jungles are filled with game, and fruit trees grow along the margins.   All in all, Big Bay Island is a perfect oasis for sailors. So fine is the anchorage that whalers often speak of making a visit part of their regular trade as opposed to an occasional place of refuge. However, something always seems to cause such talk to sputter out. No ship that has put into the bay has tarried longer than necessary, nor have merchants thought to set up even the crudest of settlements to see to the needs of Northlanders and other whalers.   Unbeknownst to the human visitors to the island, Big Bay Island is home to a group of lizardfolk.


Big Bay Island


The Lizard Queen


unknown number of lizardfolk

snakes, poisonous frogs, giant lizards, animated trees and plants


Worship of Lizard Queen

game, fishing, fresh water, anchorage

Technology Level
Stone Age

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