Berrocburh Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


A remote town in the far northwest of the kingdom, Berrocburh is secluded from much of the traffic through the central part of the peninsula. Though now largely a backwater, the town is proud of its history as the ancestral home of the Baerroc, one of the original seven, semi-mythical clans of the Heldring.   Most of the Berros make their living through farming or herding, though some fishing is done off of the nearby western coast of the peninsula. There are no good harbors in this area, which leaves the fishing vessels to launch off shores of rocky scree. It is easy to land boats there, however, and as a result, raids from western pirates and slavers have nearly decimated Berrocburh dozens of times throughout the town’s history. In order to protect themselves, the Berros became formidable sailor-soldiers. Nearly every man, woman, and child in Berrocburh is capable of fighting, their tough existence hardening their will for survival. Children are taught archery as soon as they can hold a small bow, and women are equals to their husbands and fathers with sword and shield. Intruders are met with surprising tenacity and often flee after realizing their error in choosing the town as their target.   Capable shipbuilders and fishermen, Berrocburh’s residents maintain a meager yet comfortable lifestyle. Though wary of strangers entering their town, the surprisingly good-natured Berros are willing to trade fairly for supplies they lack. Salted fish, clams, and shellfish are traded for tools, vegetables, and beer. Though the Heldring currency is accepted, many in the town prefer to barter for luxuries.   The town hosts a small temple to Eostre and Thyr, though attendance is meager except during the festival days.   The Berros have a unique tradition concerning their ealdorman, which due to its antiquity is honored by the hledwalda in Kingsgardt. The position is not hereditary. At an annual rite on the eve of the spring equinox, any Berros who feel their current ealdorman has lacked the proper skills or nerve to run the town may challenge the ealdorman to ritual combat, the winner taking or retaining the seat. Only one challenger may attempt to win the seat, elected by town vote if more than one steps forward. The current ealdorman may elect to step down at the spring equinox, vacating the seat willingly without any disrespect or dishonor.   Pirates and slavers are the most common threat to Berrocburh. However, raids from the west are becoming less frequent as the stories of the ferocious and unrelenting Berros reach foreign ears. Unfortunately, while the sea-raids have lessened over several decades, orcish stirrings within the Cumorian Mountains have increased. Orc tribes have probed farther north and west, hoping to gain a foothold beyond their dark holes. The northern end of the vast range is teeming with numerous orc clans, each vying for the rumored wealth of human villages.


Berrocburh, Town of

Ealdorman Bijeorn “Longbeard” Arjenstal


2,117 (1,998 Heldring, 64 Foerdewaith, 55 human mixed ethnicity)

sea-raiders, orcish races from the Cumorian Mountains

Common, Helvaenic

Eostre and Tyr

fishing, farming, livestock

Heldring, barter

Technology Level
Dark Ages



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