Bard's Gate Region Organization in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Bard's Gate Region

The giant metropolis governs the lands and settlements in its suzerainty as a calm, rational parent trying to placate a petulant child. It uses reason, patience, and cajoling to bring its subjects into line rather than brute force. Although the city boasts a professional army that includes a small unit of skilled adventurers known as the Lyreguard, its military forces are singularly devoted to defending Bard’s Gate rather than expanding its territory through military conquest. The men and women dedicated to this critical task are primarily stationed atop and within the city’s walls and in two critical strongholds — the Citadel of Ravens just beyond the walls, and the Citadel of Griffons in the neighboring valley. In addition to the massive city, numerous smaller settlements and other points of interest exist outside its stone walls, especially in the Lyre Valley. This region features some of the Lost Lands’ most seminal locations such as Stoneheart Valley, the Stoneheart Mountain Dungeon, and the underbelly of Bard’s Gate itself.
The Bard’s Gate Region has some of the most diverse terrain in Akados. The city proper sits atop a hill overlooking the valleys beneath it. The Stoneheart Mountains to the metropolis’s north cast a dark shadow across the foothills and the iconic valley beneath it. West of Bard’s Gate lies the fearsome Stoneheart Forest, while the road east crosses through the Forest Kingdoms. The region’s moderate climate supports a vibrant savanna warm and humid enough to support crucial food staple crops and herds of domesticated animals. Despite the presence of civilization throughout the area, orcs, hobgoblins, goblins, and other aggressive humanoids and monsters pose a constant threat to the region.


Bard’s Gate Region

Bard’s Gate

High Burgess Cylyria and Bard’s Gate Council of Burghers, local mayors and government bodies


5,296,200 (4,940,000 Foerdewaith, 83,000 Plainsman, 55,500 Oceander, 49,000 half-elf, 37,700 hill dwarf, 33,800 Halfling, 26,200 Riverfolk, 21,500 Heldring, 17,500 high elf, 14,000 Gnome, 8,200 Erskaelosi, 3,600 mountain dwarf, 2,250 wood elf, 2,050 street dwarf, 1,900 other)

stirges, gnolls, orcs, worgs, ogres, undead, trolls, manticores, owlbears, hill giants, ettins, dragons, gibbering orbs (Stoneheart Valley stirges, orcs, giant spiders, gnolls, giant animals (badgers, bears, wolves), dryads, ogres, chike, manticores, owlbears, fey, undead, treants, dragons (green, black) (Stoneheart Forest stirges, manticores, hoar spirits, stone giants, revenants, lantern goats, banshees, murder-born (Lost Boy Mountain ant swarms, ankhegs, giant animals (badgers, bison, wolverines), stirges, orcs, plague ghouls, will-o’-wisps, hippogriffs, axe beaks, perytons, kamadans (Plains of Mayfurrow bat swarms, giant bats, giant ants, chokers, spiggans, rock trolls, cave fishers, wyverns, destrachans (Glimmer Gorge giant eels, giant gars, koalinths, kelpies, scrags, sea hags (Amrin Estuary crab swarms, giant snapping turtles, giant eels, kelp devils, sahuagin (coastline goblins, orcs, giant animals (beavers, otters, and snapping turtles), hobgoblins, ratfolk, lizard folk, giant crayfish, river trolls (Binjerin River Valley giant sharks, giant animals (squids, octopi, fish), sahuagin, sea spiders, merrow, nisps, scrags, sea hags, coral giants, deck devils, undead, storm giants, sea serpents (Gulf of Akados)

Common, Kirkut, Dwarvish, Halfling, Helvaenic, Elvish, Erskin, Gnomish

Oghma, Dre’uain, Tykee, Sefagrath, Vanithu, Telophus, Freya, Ceres, Mick O’Delving, Thyr (declining), Belon the Wise, Pan, Darach-Albith, Orcus, Muir (declining), Jamboor

trade hub, grain, wool, banking, manufactured goods, livestock, timber, quarry stone, copper, wine, tobacco, dyes, silver

Technology Level
Renaissance (Bard’s Gate), Medieval (cities), High Middle Ages (rural areas), Iron Age (Freegate)

Geopolitical, Principality
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations

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