Athrina Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Athrina sits on the bank of the Khulen River in what is usually considered the southeastern part of Jaati. It has been the capital of the Adenian province of Tazhmaspada for the past century. Under the rulership of the Adenians, the caste system is not so strongly enforced as it is through most of Jaati, so many unsatisfied people find their way here. The province also has a wide variety of religious adherents, from those who worship some of the deities of Khemit to a few who honor ancient gods of the old Hyperborean Empire, whose influence can still be felt even though it has been dead for nearly a thousand years. The Adenians also expanded the worship of Mitra in the area, and other Annunaki deities; some citizens dutifully pay their respects to the new gods, but the religion has not really become popular.   One of the main products of Tazhmaspada Province — and an important moneymaker for the satrap — is the harvesting of sandalwood in the mountains in the west. Wood is shipped down the Khulen River. Some is left for craftspeople, but most is exported, either to Mithkethrin for use in the imperial city or for sale to other merchants.


Athrina, City of

Satrap (viceroy) Parushti of Tazhmaspada Province

Provincial satrap appointed by emperor

93,101 (55,392 Jaata, 35,248 Ashurian, 2,211 ratfolk, 250 other)

Owning Organization


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