Ashmemnon Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Ashmemnon lies on the west bank of the Stygian River in Lower Khemit, at the end of the caravan road running through the nearby major city of Hermopolis. Ashmemnon is an important supplier of food for the population of Hermopolis and is also known for the beautiful temple of Mert, the goddess of music and song. This is a fairly new temple, built early in the 37th Dynasty, and it is always full of music. The priests actively work to create new music (to praise Mert but also the other gods of Khemit) and have a small school where they teach the traditional songs and musical instruments and also how to create new music. Many musicians in the courts of the pharaoh and the viziers are either priests of Mert or were trained in her school.
>Ashmemnon, City of--
City Administrator Qandil-gad-arat


18,592 (mostly Khemitite)


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