Anggah Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Several floating markets are scattered across The Delta, but the one called Anggah is without doubt the largest such collection. Scores or even hundreds of flat-bottomed boats fill the water of one quiet inlet off the main flow of the river. Although the sellers vary from day to day, the things sold are usually about the same. People sell directly off their boats and offer many kinds of fruit, fish, clothing, woven hats, flowers, household items, cloth, and handcrafted or rare items from the River Folk far upstream. Of course, food is always available; cooks grill or boil over tiny fires and serve noodles, rice, various kinds of seafood, sweets, hot drinks, and much more right from their boats. The boats of buyers are forced to interpenetrate through the mass of sellers, with lanes of clear water opening only occasionally to let the purchasers through. When a person wants to buy an item from a vendor a few boats away, the seller often uses a lightweight pan or basket tied to a long pole to reach across and collect the payment and then to deliver the goods.


Anggah, Floating Market of




Owning Organization


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