Kodama Species in The Living Planet | World Anvil
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Kodama are a gentle species of humanlike tree sprites. They are responsible for the restoration of the Living Planet and are the predominant species there. Although most of them are peaceful, Kodama have high magical potential, being able to fend for themselves and use powerful magick. They are warm, inviting and captivating creatures capable of easily making friends. Unlike most other races, the Kodama don't despise men. Instead, they choose to learn from both their culture and their mistakes, which made them wiser and more peaceful. Each one coexists with a tree. If the Kodama dies, the tree dies too and vice versa.

Basic Information


Kodama are basically made from a solid, yet malleable, wooden body with a soul inside. Each type of tree produces a different kind of Kodama with different physical traits. Some are tall enough to touch the heavens, others are very small and stout. Every individual of this species is born with a different mask like face with funny, vaguely humanoid features that tell a little bit about that Kodama's personality. Inside their eyes burns a colored flame, representative of the being's soul. This fire is protected by a crystal-like membrane, called Soul Glass, which exists over the Kodama's eyes. This material is extremely valuable and cannot be found anywhere else.

Biological Traits

Kodama are vastly different from each other. Although their lifespan is mostly the same, their appearance is adapted to their environments. Some Kodama may be big and strong, sporting large horns and spikey appendages. Others may be more human-like and move more gracefully. Their appearance is directly connected to their environments and functions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Most Kodama choose one partner for their whole lives. The reproductive process is very akin to the sexual reproduction of plants, varying from the kind of Kodama and taking place in the form of a sacred and private ritual between the couple which may produce a special fruit or a seed through pollination. Kodama can still produce regular fruit without any without fear of bearing children, though some misinformation is spread about this fact, leading some to avoid doing it.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kodama start out as a sprout, much like any other tree. Their soul is developed once they reach a sapling stage, this is when their body forms. From there, their growth accompanies their trees'. They grow up, become more powerful, older and wiser.

Ecology and Habitats

Kodama were originally built for life in forests, swamps and similar places, but they adapted to many different places. You can find them almost anywhere, in the city, islands and even in places where you might not expect to see them, like volcanoes. Kodama quickly adapted to their environment since the extinction of humanity.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kodama don't need food, even though they can enjoy it just as much as any other species. Their survival requires only sunlight, air and water on varying amounts depending on the kind of Kodama they are. Eating actual food is seen as a commemorative ritual by their people and is treated with utmost respect; a Kodama never hunts more than he needs.

Biological Cycle

Similar to the cycles of trees and different for each type of Kodama. Most of them show changes when they become sexually mature, like sprouting flowers and similar organs. The passing of time shows its signs during the hundreds of years of life a Kodama has and the seasons can make their hair change colors.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The farming of Soul Glass is a big problem for the Kodama. They are the only source for the rare material, which serves as a powerful magical catalyst. It can only be obtained by killing a Kodama and taking the Soul Glass from their eyes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kodama can see and hear like any regular living being, but, with some training, they can harness their magical abilities to sense souls and such, something which is possible for any creature with a high magic level. However, they are always aware of the surroundings of their tree selves and can travel to their location instantaneously in order to protect them.
For each type of tree, there is a different kind of Kodama, each with its own unique physical and cultural traits. There are many variants of this species.
About 5000 years, if they take care of their health.
Conservation Status
Kodama are all around the place. They learned to adapt to almost all environments and are the predominant species in the Living Planet.

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