Forest of Jor Geographic Location in The Little Sorcerer | World Anvil
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Forest of Jor


The Forest of Jor is thought to be one of the oldest untouched regions of the Land Realm. It has a rather rocky terrain, though everything within its borders is considerably overgrown. Sloping downwards, it can be likened to a bowl filled with trees. These trees are among the largest, if not the largest in the Realm, and their root network covers the entire area.

This, however, is not the only thing the forest is famous for: on the rocks, trees, leaves and shrubs that grow there, words appear. Words describing significant events of the world, or events that indirectly cause something significant to happen. The birth of influential people, the rise and fall of nations, the discovery of ancient relics... it is all recorded in a natural library of lore.

Flora & Fauna

Home to an abundance of plantlife, there are few if any floral species that aren't present here. But as they all are part of the lore documentations, they cannot be used for their usual purposes. In fact, if one harms the plantlife of Jor, it angers the spirits who linger there - and it is never wise to anger the forces of nature. Due to this, no animals can sustain themselves here either.


The history of Jor stretches farther back than anyone knows. Of course, it has recorded all possible milestones ever since, but as there is no way of locating such specific old inscriptions, people can only guess. Since its very existence is a piece of history, and continues to be so, describing its present is the same as describing its past.  

There is however one piece of significance it holds that is unknown to all but one certain prince... And that is the fact that underneath the forest lies the nest of The Wyrm of the Land. Also referred to as Nature's Cradle by the Wyrm, it has served as the Land Realm's beating heart for a dozen millenia. The nest is a gigantic cave with a bed of soft, green leaves, surrounded by the roots of the trees above.


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