Ebliscacia Building / Landmark in The Libraries of the Storyverse | World Anvil
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Ebliscacia (Eh - blih - scay - shia)

The Tree of the Hordes of Knowledge

Written by Natsume Rune

❃゚。・*.゚.✮▹ Enter Wanderer, ◃✮.゚.*・。゚❃

You step forward into the center of the Libraries, the soft whispers pulling you towards the giant Tree that sits in the center of the plaza area, a soft ring of roots and wood holding a small and unnecessary barrier between foundation and Entity.

The Whispers guide you towards the Great Tree and gentle waves of peace and wonder take over you, small thoughts falling away as you step forward to give focus to the Ancient before you. Gentle creaking shifts the Tree, leaves and branches dancing to an unknown wind as the Whispers escalate their song, tiny murmurs of unknown words filling the air before you take note of a root reaching for you, a small and soft curl of green Nature easily taking your hand as you extend it. There’s warmth within the vine, the entanglement of your hand within the Tree barely making a note within your mind before the Whispers return to you, a gentle voice of low and gentle tones easily coming to rest against your ears.

“This is Ebliscacia, the Tree of the Hordes of Knowledge. They are the Foundation and Soul of the Libraries, and it is them who give both Life and Magicks to the Halls and Entities that unfold the Amalgamations of the Authors. They welcome you, Wanderer. May the Libraries guide you towards your goal.”

There and gone within a second, the Whispers give themselves over the dancing and chattering branches of Eblicacia, and you blink as the vines detaches, leaving gentle warmth and golden stains that easily bleed into your skin before disappearing. You blink, look back up at the Tree to see them settling once again, a content sigh breathing throughout the entirety of the Libraries before the gentle chimes of invisible wind chimes come to settle the silence in white toned backdrops.


❃゚。・*.゚.✮▹ The Ancient Tree ◃✮.゚.*・。゚❃


Holding the presence of a Birch Tree with an abundance of leaves and branches more befitting a forest than a single unit, Ebliscacia holds themself with the presentation of those who the Worlds consider within their Lands. A Gentle Giant with no need for any of the mortal needs of Beings or Beasts, Ebliscacia entangles themself within the Foundations of the Libraries, and many roots, vines, branches, and leaves can be found in almost all of the corners and Halls and Shelves holding the Knowledge of the Storyverse.



Giving itself over to the Nature of Beasts and Beings, Ebliscacia is known to be both a peaceful and playful Existence. Showing itself to any and all who find themselves present before them, the Ancient holds itself with the gentle consideration of the Beings and Beasts before them. Tending to wish for more than just the contact of company and sight, Ebliscacia is known to reach for Wanderers, easily taking their hands and bleeding the soft Magicks into their bodies for a short period. This gives Ebliscacia the Knowledge of their presence within the Libraries, and many will feel the peace of the Halls from this simple touch.

Ebliscacia is also one to show forth their capabilities, and hold communion with both the Libraries themselves and the Whispers of the Void. If any are careful and attentive, they will note the soft tones of of the chattering Tree as they give forth words and communication to the Whispers of the Void. Many Librarians are even noted that in some rare cases, music and melodies can be heard breathing through Ebliscacia’s branches, the Tree easily twisting and creaking with the song of someone unknown and unseen.



Ebliscacia, throughout the Entirety of the Libraries, has known the truth in the Storyverse and the Amalgamations of the Authors’ Creations. Given over to the Whispers of the Void and holding more Authority and Knowledge than even the Librarians who safeguard and bookkeep, the Tree of the Hordes of Knowledge is one of the few Ancients within the Storyverse to know the voice and attention of the Authors.

  The Gentle Giant is known to hold thoughts with the Whispers of the Void, the soft chattering of the Tree easily able to be heard whenever the Whispers are taking residence within their branches. The Libraries themselves growth and breathe with the Ancient, Ebliscacia creaking and shifting whenever the Libraries gives themselves over to more Hordes of Knowledge.
Only the Librarians do not seem to hold any sort of Connection with the Ancient; they are Beings of Algor and Azoterra, and as such, Ebliscacia is known to allow them the free will of their Existences. Choosing not to entangle them in the Foundations of the Libraries as well, the Ancient is thought to keep a distance from the Librarians, more than content with the touches of their senses, rather than the enrapture of a bond unbroken.

by Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber

❃゚。・*.゚.✮▹ Muse's Notes

Ebliscacia is said to be the first Being to exist within the Libraries. There are writing from older Librarians that describe a tiny and thriving seedling holding the entirety of the Magicks of the Ancients within their leaves and roots. It is known that, with their growth, came the Foundations of the Libraries, and that Ebliscacia is entangled in almost all of the Halls and Shelves that house the Hordes of Knowledge, even to the extent that any Wanderer can always find a vine, branch, root, or leaf at any point in the Libraries.

Some tend to wander and wonder if the Authors themselves were the ones to plant Ebliscacia, maybe when there was nothing but a tiny space between pen and page for their Amalgamation to rest and reside. Ebliscacia is known to reach for the Wanderers finding their way through the Libraries, and I have to wonder: who they are waiting for to come back to them? ⭒❃.✮:▹◃:✮.❃⭒ .
Library by Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber

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Cover image: by Sandy Millar


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Dec 2, 2022 01:02 by Locke J. Haven

Your formatting is utterly enchanting; as is the entirety of your world !!

❝ worlds are burning, my child.
gods alone cannot suffocate the flames.
~ Of Fables and Feathers
Dec 2, 2022 02:36

You are too kind, our Beloved Wanderer. Thank you so much for reading and enjoying!

Dec 3, 2022 05:14 by Miles Kayden

This is such a pretty article, I am in awe. The Ancient Tree has to be my favourite thing described, it's so vivid!

Dec 4, 2022 12:11

Ah, thank you so much Miles! We are very happy with the article and we are glad that you have a favorite! We are definitely going to be trying to give more life to the Libraries, so please stay tuned! c;