Modern Gerudo (language) Language in The Land of Hyrule | World Anvil
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Modern Gerudo (language)

Gerudo in its modern form is the main language of the Gerudo people. While the spoken language has changed significantly since ancient times, the written script has remained unchanged since before the Great Flood and is one of the longest lasting writing systems in Hyrulean history. Spoken by all Gerudo women of the desert, and a majority of those that have long since left, Gerudo has often been described by non-natives as a harsh yet sensual language that is extremely difficult yet rewarding to learn. It differs from Hylian speech in that it has an entire letter to itself that Hylian speakers find difficult to pronounce, the letter "v", that permeates Gerudo speech and culture. It is said that any non-native who can master the language of the Gerudo can master anything.

Writing System

Uses the same alphabetical structure as Hylian, but with an added letter: "v"

Gerudo alphabet


The apostrophe in between words indicate a brief pause in the word (like a space), or the word "and". E.g. "Sav'saaba" means "good evening", whereas "orr'aaq" means "night and day"   "Sav" is usually added onto everyday greetings, but can be also used to greet people during holidays. For example, "Sav'naboor'aaq" literally means "Good Nabooru Day", but more generally translates to "Merry Nabooru Day".


Vababa (vah-bah-bah)
Baba (bah-bah)
Vehvi (veh-vee)
Vai (vaye)
Voe (voh)
Vatiti (vah-tee-tee)
Vure (voo-er)
Aaq (ahck)
Vatnu (vaht-noo)
Basso (bah-soh)
Av'abe (ah-vah-bay)?
Av'sir (ahv-seer)?
Av'eq (ah-veck)?
Av'ul (ah-vool)?
Av'lo (ahv-loh)?
Vasa (vah-sah)?

Number System

"The usage of only two single numbers (1 and 5) suggests that the Gerudo numerical system is a simplified variation of Roman numerals. It is possible that counting would consist of the two available numbers being used consecutively to reach the desired number."
plain text transcript
"The usage of only two single numbers (1 and 5) suggests that the Gerudo numerical system is a simplified variation of Roman numerals. It is possible that counting would consist of the two available numbers being used consecutively to reach the desired number."
Avi (ah-vee)
zero or 'nothing'
Vi (vee)
one (1)
Vi'vi (vee-vee)
two (2)
Vi'vivi (vuh-vee-vee)
three (3)
Vivi'vivi (vuh-vee-vuh-vee)
four (4)
Ve (veh)
five (5)
Ve'vi (veh-vee)
six (6)
Ve'vivi (veh-vee-vee)
seven (7)
Vi've'vivi (vee-veh-vee-vee)
eight (8)
Vivi've'vivi (vee-vee-veh-vee-vee)
nine (9)
Vi'l (vee-eel)
ten (10)
Ve'l (veh-eel)
fifty (50)
Vi'li (vee-lee)
one-hundred (100)
Vi'li + any number before 100
100 + number
Single number + vi'li
a multiple of 100
Ve'li (veh-lee)
five-hundred (500)
Vi'lib (vee-leeb)
one-thousand (1,000)
Ve'lib (veh-leeb)
five-thousand (5,000)
Vi'libi (vee-lee-bee)
one million (1,000,000)
Ve'libi (veh-lee-bee)
five million (5,000,000)
  The Gerudo use the symbols for "1" and "5" in the same way they write out their numbers. The symbol for zero is a horizontal line, and to indicate a multiple of ten, one line is struck through the "1" or "5." For example, to write ten (10), the symbol for one is written with one line, 100 would be a one with two lines, 5,000 would be a five symbol with three lines, etc.  
Gerudo number

Common Phrases

Sav'otta (sah-voh-tah)
Good morning
Sav'aaq (sah-vahck)
Good day/afternoon
Sav'saaba (sahv-sah-bah)
Good evening
Sav'orr (sah-vore)
Good night
Vasaaq (vah-sahck)
Sav'orq (sah-vorck)
Sarqso (sark-soh)
Thank you
Mavos orr'kori
"enjoy the nightstick", a slutshaming insult
"Fuck you!" or "Go fuck yourself!"
  Warning: lesbophobia
Vevhi'a so vai'mabassa
"May your daughter be a woman-lover (lesbian)"
Vai'mabassil orr'tate
"woman-loving night-walker"
Other phrases
Sa'oten (sah-oh-ten)
an exclamation of surprise

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Jul 19, 2018 18:19 by Heath O'Donnell

Sa'oten! That was great! Super detailed and had all the little quirks of the culture tied in... swoons   I would change the tooltip on the Lesbiphobic spoiler to "Among the Gerudo..."

Jul 19, 2018 19:13 by Ammy M

Thanks for save!

Jul 19, 2018 18:51 by AmazingChi

Oh wow, excellent breakdown! The use of diagrams really adds to this piece. Great work!

Jul 19, 2018 19:54 by Kaleb Kramer

Love the way you use the diagrams and pictures to illustrate and demonstrate the language.

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon
Feb 19, 2020 11:27

I really like your extrapolation on the Gerudo Language. I too am currently in the process of fleshing it out and it has been fun :)   I had a similar idea on a homophobic Gerudo culture so it nice to see that you integrated it in their language. I hope you don't mind if I ask how you decided on your original vocabulary? Like "basso" for example. Did you just settle on a word that felt coherent to the established language?