Alternative Rules for Gamplay in The Land of Cree | World Anvil

Alternative Rules for Gamplay

Character Creation


Pack Mentality

- Any new characters must have encountered one or more of the other characters in their history. This does not mean they were friends, but it is the Groups responsibility to figure out the reasons why a group travels together.  

Divinity Fallen

- Clerics and Paladins in some places are shunned and/or feared. A character who publicly shows his or her faith to another person is subject to emotions such as fear and hate, keep this is mind when choosing your class.  


- The majority of the race variants are options, For example a Steinnok Dwarf may choose either Hardiness or Armor Proficiency. A dwarf is a dwarf, a human is a human and a Sendesti is a Sendesti. Playable races are here.      



Medical Skill

- If a character proficient in Medicine uses a medic kit and spends 1 action on someone who took damage, that person can use Hit Dice equal to the medic character's Base Proficiency (without modifiers). Each person can be healed once per long rest in this way.  


- We use the Flanking Alternative rule for Players as well as NPCs  


- We use the Sidekicks Unearthed Arcana Optional Rule with the following exceptions. A Sidekick can be selected instead of an Ability Score Increase or a Feat. Doing so lets the DM introduce the Sidekick (Of the players design, following the rules for Sidekicks.) at their own pace over the next few sessions. A sidekick that dies does not get replaced unless the Player selects the Option at the next Ability Score Increase level. Only one Sidekick is allowed at a time per player.


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