Lutra Folk Ethnicity in The Known World: Over the Edge of Redoute | World Anvil

Lutra Folk

The elusive creatures that inhabit small floating communities on Walfeste Bay, the Lutra are two foot tall otter-folk. They live a nomadic life that reflects the very impulse driven personalities of the hearty little folk. The main reason that people seek out a flotilla of the Lutra is to trade with them for the precious gems and materials that the Lutra collect from the sea floor. Pearls are a staple of this trade as well as the rare onyx sand which is heavily been incorporated in high quality arms and armor smithing. Though the Lutra themselves have no use for the onyx sand, the demand that the "land folk" have has led to the shaping of the majority of the Lutra economy being focused on the acquisition and sale of it.    


The Lutra are a people renowned for their intense love of trinkets and the curious. This is why the Lutra don't trade for cash or coin but rather barter for the different times that catch their fancy. Some outsiders from land find making these deals as a reflection that the Lutra are foolish and easy to manipulate. Though this couldn't be further from the truth that the Lutra as a whole are shrewd traders and make deals only for those that they find truly interesting and worth their quick-changing yet profound attention span.    


One of the cultural manifestations of the Lutra and their quirks would be that of their different multicolored boats. These boats are decorated with the different hordes and collections of knick-knacks and oddities as well as typically an extreme amount of pillows in the central area of the boat where the different families sleep together and spend quality time playing and learning.

Articles under Lutra Folk


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