Arkan Bote Item in The Known World: Over the Edge of Redoute | World Anvil

Arkan Bote

Originally kept as a secret communication channel used by the Vigil for rapid dissemination of information between the different forts and outposts they man throughout the Known World, the Arkan Bote eventually made its way to the rest of the world. The technology is old, but still a costly affair which limits the Arkan Bote to those with the means to acquire one.  


The Arkan Bote is a magic tome that can send written messages instantly to whomever the sender desires. The receiving tome is instantly filled with the ink from the sender. These messages are permanent upon the tome and are ripped out. This means that eventually a new tome is required for further use of the Arkan Bote. Another factor that limits the use of an Arkan Bote is that for it to work fully the message receiver must also have an Arkan Bote. Based upon these limitations, the use of the Arkan Bote is mostly reserved for military actions as well as the eccentricities of the wealthy. The commoner would find no real need for an Arkan Bote as with whom would they communicate?  


The leading authority on the creation of Arkan Boten would be the Hochburg Arcanum in Merchant's Plain Locations . This ancient hold of arcane knowledge and training is the most accessible and reputable organization from which one could acquire an Arkan Bote.


There is a rumor that has arisen from the recent sacking of Jailenburg that there may have been a way discovered to disrupt Arkan Bote communications. Some say that the invading forces managed to inhibit the Arkan Bote of Jailenburg from with out the walls, thus preventing any relief forces being notified of the siege.
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