The tale of Tyrus the First Prose in The Kingdom of Mourne | World Anvil
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The tale of Tyrus the First

The Tale of Tyrus, the first of his name, is a great one. The best one perhaps? Hundreds of years ago, in a world not unlike our own, the land of Liore existed in utter chaos, forevor a swirling tide of shifting conflict and a struggle for survival of the fittest the land was splintered into fragments of warring tribes of humans, constantly competing for land and resources amongst themselves while the fae races remained to themselves and enjoyed a much happier time for themselves. In time dwindling resources and border conflicts amongst the different tribes led them to begin turning on eachother, further turning the land into a savage ruthless battlezone and any hope of a better future seemed to slip between fate's fingers. It was at this time that Liore's destiny for a better tomorrow was born in one of the smallest tribes on the outskirts of this great badland, a child birthed under the father and mother moons of Liore named Tyrus was brought into the world under the moonlight. As a growing child Tyrus questioned his primitive existence and the ways of his people and expressed a great distate to conflict with others. Tyrus grew into a man that despite his unliking for combat possesed a relentless potential for victory in battle and quickly realised his purpose in life. After undertaking a personal campaign of his own design for several years, Tyrus and his inspired followers strategically combated and defeated tribe after tribe until one by one each and every warring tribe declared peace and unity under one banner. It was on this day that the men and women of Liore dropped their weapons, came togethor as one and declared Tyrus the first King of Liore, and togethor they began what would one day become modern day Mourne in all its majesty!


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Sep 20, 2021 10:32

This is really good, What do you think about mine ? mine is the tale of Ariados the Jung mage.