Baron Alexei Galkin Character in The Irregulars | World Anvil
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Baron Alexei Galkin

"Were you, the reader of mine memoirs to question the veracity of the knowledge and deeds therin; I would simply ask if you are true templar of a modern age, or a ludditic remnant of a bygone era. To be left behind like chaff in the dirt. Forgotten, unknown, and useless save but for the worms."
— Baron Alexei Galkin's 'The Wyrd and Horrible'
  Sir Alexei Galkin's life is largely a mystery. A historical figure with very little of import judged by mundane scholars. A contemporary of Dr. Jekyll and the group of 'the modern fatherhood' of the Templar Order. Alexei was not the only individual responsible, but a driving force for change in the templar order to the detriment of many they opposed. He is now remembered largely for his penultimate work "The Templar Codex of the Wyrd and Horrible". A massive assembly of printed knowledge dripping with malicious intent, xenophobia, and longwinded postulation. Opinion and rumination intertwined around knowledge gleaned.   His lifespan is unknown, only estimates alluding to his birth in the early 19th century. Born to a union of a Russian Noble expat and English Nobility just prior to the golden age of the British Empire and the commencement of 'The Great Game' Between Russian and English interests in central Asia.   By his own accounts his upbringing was rather mundane as befitting his status amongst the lowest boughs of nobility. He was tutored and pressed upon to be noble and lordly. He learned to manage the land allotted to him and he attended Cambridge. His time there was middling, his intelligence above average but nothing to scoff at. His physique in sports earning him self confidence only reinforced by his fullhearted taking on of the mantle of 'renaissance man'   He eagerly threw himself into learning of any sciences he could, his thirst for the scientific method outpacing his ability. And it was during this time that, though bearing a russian name, Sir Alexei largely took on an anglicanized simulacrum of his name so as to distance himself from his paternal line amidst his peers. 'Lord Alex Garland' would die in ignominy but his given name would be remembered in some circles for centuries. For amongst some found comradery he would continue to go by Alexei. A name that would live on in infamy amonst modern non-mundane history.  
"They came to me, hat in hand. Almost pitiable in the dull featureless hoplessness of their gaze. Bedraggled they gave me the impression of ruffians more than noble knights. Kindling for the fire, dry and brittle. Soldiers without a master, men without a patron. Uneducated and unnerved."
— Baron Alexei Galkin's 'The Wyrd and Horrible'
  Alexei was approached years after his collegiate education in the midst of what modern historians would call a multi-year bender. Taken by the excesses of the flesh and freedom from want and structured rigidity, he developed a reputation of a charismatic rapscallion, an expensive host, and a thoughtful drunk. But it was his eventual musings that brought the shadows to his door.   As alcoholic abundance gave way to a pervasive alacrity of curiousity. Alexei's inquisitiveness turned to myth and legend. To eldritch and the unknown. He willingly stared into the abyss and was hardly surprised when it blinked. Soon after, a shadowy organization clad in myth and nobility approached him. The Knights Templar made themselves known to him and impressed upon him their need for financing and good nobility to act as leaders in their midst. Alexei for his part readily accepted. The duldrum of life and excess long past, he threw himself into their ritual and methodology. Curiousity demanding to be sated.  
"I was wholey and unerringly disappointed. These self-styled knights were no better than the ruffians I mistook them for so readily. Their demeanor was that of the lame and the foolhardy. They are shackled by their own incompetency and blinded by their lack of knowledge. Some, however, are not like the others.   I am amongst peers in the new blood. Fellow noblemen and veteran alike unceremoniously disillusioned with the old ways of the grandmaster. I see in theirs and the rabble's hearts a flicker of righteous hatred. We can use this to enact change."
— Baron Alexei Galkin's 'The Wyrd and Horrible'
  While he tacitly assisted and helped his compatriots in 'the fatherhood' wrest control of the primary chapter of templar, Alexei's focus was hardly on such trvial matters of leadership. Alexei delved into the pursuit of knowledge, eagerly pouring through tomes with the best of the minds the templar could congregate. Together and with the friendship of Dr Henry Jekyll they made progress. Alexei's enthusiasm found it's match in Henry, albeit Alexei found himself outperformed intellectually. Still they studied and gathered knowledge until there was only one thing left to do.  
"My estate, long imperial and well cared for, became a bustling hive of intent all it's own. Where once I invited hedonistic orgies of nobility and decadence that spilled out amidst the pavilions and gardens' hedgerows as much as it's buffets, I now invited only my own equals in purpose. The rooms were filled with experimentation and machinery, whirring machinery and the promise of knowledge packed into every crawlspace.   I admit it stoked my pride, that unmistakable air of a college of my own. Wherin my rule was as absolute as both researcher and headmaster. The entire estate dedicated to a new decadence not found in the skirt of a sycophantic girl but in the practical application of force against inhumans and abominations alike."
— Baron Alexei Galkin's 'The Wyrd and Horrible'
  However, Alexei's pursuit of knowledge drew ire. The shift of the templars as a whole was a rapid one. From a largely backwards myth-worried rabble of warriors scared of the shadows to an actively force of murderous intent. Some templar would eventually split from the whole, forming their own chapters and insisting on the 'purity of the old ways'. Such a split however, was minor as only the hardliners did not see the direction the Templar Order was heading into the 19th century. The bigger split would come soon after.   The experiments stalled and Alexei grew irate. The seemingly endless pursuit of knowledge ground to a halt before his eyes. Templars scoured the world for manuscripts of mythical and supernatural creatures to add to the index of knowledge. But it was not enough. Alexei was the first to suggest a more hands-on approach. Was was a peaceful academic estate would soon turn into a blood soaked manor of morbidity.  
"I have found the trick to this I think. Henry has grown despondent ever since the last elf girl. He's refused to join me in any further experiments. I admit a degree of empathy for his soft stomach and displeasure that he does not enjoy in sharing this work as much as I do. I myself have taken to this work with vigor. My sleeves rolled up and monstrous blood dripping past my elbows have been tremendous teachers in the practical.   Such is the sudden expansion of my knowledge on the subject of inhuman anatomy that I also admit a fiendish pleasure at my companions' disillusionment. I am certain he foolishly considers himself above such barbarity and unclean experimentation. But in this field I am unparalleled. If he cannot stomach this work then I have found that which makes me superior. Something from which I derive a macabre vindication.   Even so, I shall see to him soon. A friendly confrontation to see where he stands on our mission. I worry his soft heart will displease the rising tide of righteous militancy in our order."
— Baron Alexei Galkin's 'The Wyrd and Horrible'
  Alexei 'experimented' and tortured supernaturals abducted for him by the order. Though they were few it caused tremendous reipples in the templar order as a whole. The Where once the templar of old burned and cut blindly, this new order sought to hurt their enemy in every way and to learn how to harm them more. This compounded a riding bloodlust in the organization. One that eventually spilled over into devouring itself.   Henry Jekyll was to blame naturally. He left Alexei's manor and pursued his own templar research. One which bore fruit in what would become known as 'The Hydian Thesis'. Namely, while templars believed that humanity was singularly superior, Jekyll did not. His conceptual thesis insisted that while humans are superior, that is not enough. And the best human would be altered with the strengths of the supernaturals they fought. So as to become the superior through both purpose, form, and synthesis. A radical transhuman concept that Alexei and the 'new templars' could not allow to exist.   Alexei himself joined in the at first symbolic 'arrest' of his fellow scientist, more an observer as manacles turned to swords as Mr Hyde showed himself and was hacked down mercilessly. The baron contented himself at the time that it was just. But the Hydian Templars would became a subversive and secretive organization within the templars. Dr Jekyll became a martyr for his thesis and many of the now radicalized Templar saw the value in his thinking. So devestating was the schism in philosophy and the resultant civil war that Alexei himself drew distant from the order as a whole. Contenting himself with squandering his wealth in the continued 'knowledge seeking' and depravity of his manor while the templars supposedly purged themselves of such 'dangerously impure' thoughts.   In time Alexei finished his magnum opus, and turned his gaze once more into the abyss. This time, he found himself unable to hold the stare.  
How and when Alexei died is a mystery. Possibly put down by his own hand or the vengeful fist of a supernatural. Purged or by natural causes. Arrested and secretly tried by the queens men on her order, Rumours abound regardless of mundane, templar, or supernatural. All that is known is that his sole surviving work is a written memory of malice and hatred, a text the templars treasure for it's purpose if not it's verbosity.
(Art Credit: Red Hook Studios' Darkest Dungeon.)


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