The Void Geographic Location in The Intergalactic Federation of Sentient Beings | World Anvil
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The Void

Created by Peekajinx
“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”
― Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man


On the edge of the known universe is a massive nebula that defies explanations of any race who has studied it. Unlike any other nebula in the universe, it is pitch black to the point that no light can be seen through it from stars beyond. For this reason it has been dubbed "The Void." Despite this darkness, the nebula itself is not dense, and could actually be considered the same density as other known nebulae. Measurements have shown that it is 230,000 light years at its widest point. While not as big as most galaxies, it could easily engulf the Milky Way. It is by far the largest nebula ever seen.   The makeup of the void is unlike any other in the universe, and is, in fact, its own composition that does not match any known element. The temperature is also unusually cold as compared to the surrounding universe.   As with most things in the universe, the void is in a constant state of movement. While this is not unusual in and of itself, it appears to be moving at an alarming speed as compared to the speed of other galactic bodies around it. Its speed allows the void to “catch up” to things, such as solar systems, in its path, which will not be seen again until the void is able to move past it. Once that happens, any animal life on planets that are unlucky enough to have found their way into the void had since long passed. It can only be assumed that the planets were not getting the much-needed light and heat from their sun being blotted out by the nebulous cloud and succumbing to the extreme cold. This theory is only mildly accepted though, as plant life seems to have remained relatively untouched with the exception of odd mutations that vary by planet. These mutations can range from minor changes to the cellular structures of the organism, to drastic changes in how the plant life evolves.   For centuries, the void was thought to be the only anomaly of its kind. Unfortunately, within the past few hundred years, at least six more voids have been discovered in various parts of the universe. These other six are not nearly as large as the first void, though, averaging anywhere between five light years across to 145,000 light years. It is unknown how they formed, or how many might be in existence that have not been found yet. These voids are concerning to all lifeforms as they appear to be even more dangerous than a black hole with the speed in which they move and consume life.   The void is to be avoided at all cost. Very few ships who have attempted to traverse the expanse have ever returned. Those who have returned were found to have undergone severe changes in behavior; the crew being driven half mad, usually into a violent state. What little information that could be gleaned from these survivors could only speak of the “darkness.”
Alternative Name(s)
Dark Nebula, The Empty, The Darkness
Galactic Nebula

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