Dalnassi Species in The Intergalactic Federation of Sentient Beings | World Anvil
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Created by Peekajinx
"For in this cycle, we shall protect Or'hinu and all its creation."
— Eldesh, Or'xesni
    **This article is a work in progress.**

Basic Information


The dalnassi are said to be humanoid, but that is about as close to "human" as their description can get. They consist of a long torso, four arms, two legs, a neck, and a head.   Their legs long and slender, but muscular. Their knees are turned in reverse of a homo sapiens' and appear more animal-like, ending in three toes. Two large toes on the front support their weight, tipped with claw-like talons. The third toe appears almost like a thumb, extending off the back of the foot to help provide extra support and balance.   Their main arms are much more slender than the legs, the forearm being longer than the bicep region and terminating in a hand that consists mostly of two long fingers and a thumb. The fingers have three joints that allow them to bend not including the knuckle they pivot from, and the thumb has two. The two smaller arms are replicas of their main arms, but are about half the size of their larger arms. They keep these close to the body, using them only when needed for more delicate tasks.   The torso itself is thin and long, supported by a flexible spine that curves in an S-like fashion to provide the body balance since the dalnassi are bipedal. The spine extends through the neck, only slightly longer than a human's might be, ending in a large, cone-shaped head. the point of the cone is angled towards the back, while their face takes up the base of the cone.   The head may be adorned with different variations of bony plates and ridges on females or iridescent fins on males. These may start anywhere from the top or back of the head and travel down the neck, sometimes into the upper back. Generally they will be the same color as the skin. Males may raise and lower their fins based on mood, territorial display, or to impress a female. There does not appear to be a correlation to the size or shape of the fin(s) to the desirability or social station of a male.

Average Physique

Dalnassi physique is always tall and thin. Their diet and metabolism doesn’t allow room for obesity. However, it is possible to be too thin. The high metabolism of dalnassi means they must have a constant food source to replenish their energy frequently.

Facial Characteristics

Dalnassi facial features consist of five eyes, however, only two of these are considered primary and provide regular visual imagery to the dalnassi. There are two smaller eyes below these and a fifth eye is located above and between the two primary eyes. More can be read on the purpose of each eye in the perception and sensory section. While dalnassi may switch between their primary and secondary eyes, keeping one set or the other closed based on which visual light spectrum is needed at the time, the fifth eye cannot be closed. It does not appear like an eye as humans might describe them. Instead, it is much like a small plate, or scale.   Apart from their set of eyes, dalnassi have two vertical slits where a human nose might be. These do act the same as a nose, allowing the dalnassi to breath in the atmosphere. They survive more on carbon dioxide and nitrogen, the primary gases on their planet rather than oxygen. However, to each side of their nostrils are 6 flaps of skin that cover sets of gills that allow the dalnassi to filter the atmosphere on other planets through a special organ behind their nasal cavities. While this does not mean that they may breathe the atmosphere on every planet, it does allow them to breathe on most planets that have developed life without the need of respiratory gear.   Below the nose and gills is a small mouth. Their teeth are small and flat as they are herbivores, which is described in more detail in the dietary section. They do have a tongue, which is long and slender, but they lack the tastebuds that a human might experience. Instead, their tongues are covered in sensors that may tell if something may be poisonous if swallowed, alerting the dalnassi through a tingling feeling on the surface of the tongue. It is customary for a dalnassi to lick any new foods prior to eating for this reason.  

Perception & Sensory Capabilities

"To sneak up on a dalnassi would be the epitome of stealth for any species."
— Telmond Riker, human diplomat
  Dalnassi vision is perhaps one of the most advanced of any known race. They have evolved the ability to see most of the light spectrum. Their primary eyes may see all colors within the visible field of light (in comparison to human eyesight) as well as ultraviolet. The secondary eyes, though, allow the ability to see infrared light, giving them fantastic night vision as this light is based on thermal energy rather than color. The fifth eye is able to sense x and gamma rays.   While the usefulness of the fifth eye has been questioned, it has since been learned that it has allowed the dalnassi to be extremely perceptive of the world around them. The use of the fifth eye has helped in a number of things including their medical advancements and even early space travel due to their ability to see structures naked to the human eye such as black holes.   Dalnassi smell is more advanced as well in that they have developed the ability to detect smells in much the same way a terrestrial dog might. Despite this strong sense, it is only able to be used when using their primary nostrils. In some atmospheres, the air may be too toxic to warrant using their primary nostrils and they must rely solely on their gills or possibly a breathing apparatus. This prevents them from being able to smell anything stronger than perhaps a human with a stuffy nose.   The sense of touch in dalnassi is extremely sensitive. Nerve endings in their skin are able to detect minor air currents and changes in temperature, which has given them an almost supernatural sense in knowing what is around them. Even if they have not seen, heard, or smelled something around them, chances are they could sense the displacement of the air the thing has made through their skin. The tips of their fingers have the most sensory nerves, allowing them the ability to perceive extremely fine detail or imperfections in a surface.   Of all the senses, dalnassi hearing is probably the most average while still being far superior to human. Their “ears” consist of a network of multiple dimple-like depressions found on the sides and back of the head. These have been compared to the ampullae of Lorenzini on sharks and some fish. These dimples are filled with a fluid that detect vibrations in the air that then gets sent directly to the brain for processing. Since the network wraps around the head, it allows the dalnassi to pinpoint exactly where a sound has originated. Their hearing frequency range is between 18 Hz and 212 kHz. It is thought that their hearing organ may assist in other senses as well, but more is still being explored.  

Body Tint, Color, & Markings

The color of the dalnassi has very little variation, any secondary race colors having blended into one overall color some time ago, with the exception of some being only slightly lighter or darker in the same way a set of people of the same race on Earth might have slight variations of hue. Generally, the dalnassi appear to be an extremely dark greenish-blue, almost black. However, their bodies may be covered in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two. These markings are lighter in color, and will appear iridescent in light.

Biological Traits

The dalnassi race does display sexual dimorphism (the two sexes exhibit different characteristics.) Males are generally larger and heavier, while females are slightly shorter and lighter. Average male height is approximately 236.22 cm (7 ft 9 in), not including their fins. Their weight averages about 117 kg (258 lbs). Female height averages approximately 228.6 cm (7 ft 6 in), weighing on average 113.4 kg (250 lbs).   The main difference between male and female can be seen in head development. Males will display fins of various shapes and size that may start from the top or back of the head and trail down the back of the neck as far as between their shoulder blades. Instead of fins, females may support bony plates of various styles, or no ornamentation at all.   Other than the height, weight, and head development, the entire race displays relative uniformity in physical build and coloration. There is no obvious genitalia to differentiate the sexes. Both sexes will also live within the same age range, with no noticeable life expectancy differences between them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans were ecstatic to discover the dalnassi as they were the much sought after answer to the question of life being able to be silicon based. After meeting with dalnassi scientists, human biologists were elated to delve into their genetic research and discovered that the race had evolved into a primarily silicon life form.   It would be years before they could understand how life thrived on their genetic makeup, which seemed to clash with all previous knowledge of how life and some elements worked together. While humans are primarily oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, dalnassi consisted of silicon, nitrogen, fluorine, and hydrogen. While carbon did exist in their makeup, it appeared to only help stabilize the silicon bonds rather than acting as a base.   Despite this drastic difference in genetic biology, the dalnassi species, along with all life from their planet still exhibited the use of DNA-like strands that allowed for reproduction through the sharing of chromosomes between the two sexes.   Reproduction is very similar to most dioecious species (having two genders). The male and female will have sex, which results in offspring. While no genitalia is immediately apparent, the male is able to impregnate the female through skin secretions in the lower extremities that are then absorbed by the female.   Dalnassi are viviparous (meaning they carry children inside and give birth to live offspring.) Their gestation period averages approximately half a year on Kethril (approximately one earth year.) They will only give birth to one child at a time.

Growth Rate & Stages

The dalnassi grow and mature relatively fast for their lifespan. If compared to human stages of development, the infant stage would be about half a Kethril year (one earth year). Dalnassi would be considered toddlers for the second half of their first year. From the ages of 1 to 6 (2 to 12 in earth years), the dalnassi are considered children. Most of their growing both physically, mentally, and emotionally is done in this time. At the age of 7 (14 in earth years), a dalnassi has reached sexual maturity and is considered an adult. Dalnassi are considered elders when they reach the age of 130 (260 earth years) but they never reach a point of being considered “feeble.”

Ecology and Habitats

The dalnassi home planet is Kethril, a small planet about the size of Mars with a nitrogen and carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere. While they have built huge cities where large swaths of the dalnassi population thrive, they rely on the inclusion of the natural world within their living spaces. Dalnassi prefer to be around natural vegetation and incorporate this into their surroundings and built structures. They see this as being able to be at one with their world and take great strides to preserving the natural order despite their technological advances. The extent of their cities may not be readily noticeable due to the foliage cover their plant life offers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dalnassi race is herbivorous, meaning they eat a plant-based diet. This starts from birth. Since they do not taste things the way humans might, flavor is not a priority for them. They do, however, have favorites, usually deriving from the texture of the plant. Their favorite food is a plant from their home world known as yiltref. It is a succulent-like plant that produces large, soft leaves thick with a gel substance the dalnassi find delicious. There has never been reason to cook food and a dalnassi “kitchen” may resemble an atrium garden full of different types of plants.   It should be noted there are very strict rules regarding importing non-native plant species to the dalnassi’s home planet. While some alien plants may be grown in spacecraft food reserves and even brought to the planet for study, they are quarantined to prevent release into the Kethril environment. It is important to the dalnassi not to introduce invading species that could disrupt the balance of life on their home world. The same care is taken when visiting other planets.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Community is a huge part of the dalnassian social structure. Family units are unheard of, as is marriage. While there is a hierarchy in certain aspects such as religion, politics, and business, the underlying social network is very broad and equal. Children are raised by the entire community to respect themselves, their neighbors, and Or’hinu. Most dalnassi do not even know who their genetic parents may be as it does not matter to them.   This belief that everything and everyone is equal has led to a lack of a class-based system such as displayed in human culture. It is believed that everyone has a right to education, good health, a home, and all other necessary living essentials. In essence, the dalnassi live in a socialist society.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dalnassi have spread to every part of their home planet, Kethril. They have also spread to many other planets. Some planets have become secondary homes, previously uninhabited. Others they have adopted and have learned to coexist with other sapient species. They are by far the most widespread species in the universe, having adapted to be able to tolerate differences in many atmospheres.

Average Intelligence

The dalnassi are extremely intelligent. If compared to a human IQ scale, the average dalnassi would be far above the highest recorded IQ of 300. They have an innate ability to understand concepts far beyond the abilities of the human race. They also consider themselves students of Or’hinu and are in constant search of more knowledge. In fact, dalnassian libraries are some of the most extensive in the universe. Despite their extreme intelligence and intellect, the dalnassi have never developed a sense of pomposity, believing all living things have the right to knowledge and will share this knowledge freely.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dalnassi have two names only for the benefit of being able to differentiate between two of the same name. While the first name is chosen by the parents, it is tradition to use the first two letters of both parents’ names as the first four in the child’s name. Since parents are unknown, this helps in the future to prevent inbreeding and partners with the same first four letters are usually avoided just in case despite the low probability of being siblings. This does mean that a name will never be shorter than 4 letters long. The first name could also be considered the equivalent of a surname in other cultures.   A child will not earn a second name until half a year old when their personalities begin to show through. The naming may take as long as to the end of the first year. During this time, caretakers will come up with nicknames fitting for the child. Generally, it is the second name a dalnassi will go by for the rest of its life. It is also the second name that is traditionally used when choosing a new first name for a child.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship between dalnassi is relatively simple. There are no long-winded relationships or engagements or even marriage. It is simply decided between two or more close friends that they like each other enough to be intimate. There is no monogamy between dalnassi, and lovers are chosen based on friendship and attractiveness. Neither party expects the other(s) to continue to be intimate and the whole affair tends to be rather informal.   It should be noted that sex for the dalnassi does not necessarily mean the exchanging of sexual fluids. They are open about their sexuality and do not feel that gender plays a role in being intimate. The idea behind intimacy is to make the other feel good through the use of senses, especially that of touch. Orgies are not uncommon, and it is possible for dalnassi to reach a state of euphoria that could be equated to having an orgasm.   Often, two lovers who have had enough intimacy and truly care about each other may decide to exchange fluids to produce a child in an effort to do their communal part in creating the next generation.

Relationship Ideals

The most important thing to a dalnassi relationship is friendship. Despite their caring and peaceful nature, not all dalnassi will get along with each other. There may still be disagreements and arguments, though these are approached in a more civil way than some other cultures.   If agreements on a subject cannot be reached and there is no overarching point to the conflict that would contribute to anyone else, the argument is usually dropped and forgotten. However, if the conflict is something that attains to the civilization, such as politics, councils will be formed to debate the best action and the most reasonable solution to the issue.   When two or more dalnassi have discovered that their personalities match, they will quickly form a friendship bond. If the friendship continues for a length of time, it could lead to them moving in together and sharing a life or lives with other like-minded individuals. It is possible for them to grow apart, and when this happens, one or the other will simply leave and find better friendship elsewhere. Most do not find it prudent to waste energy on a friendship that is not mutually beneficial.

Common Dress Code

The dalnassi do not feel the need to cover themselves with clothing. There is no sense of shame for their bodies, which remain relatively the same between the sexes. There has also been no need to protect against the elements since temperatures remain relatively the same throughout their native world.   However, many enjoy the look of jewelry that contrasts well against their coloring. They are not a material race and the value of the jewelry is unimportant since there is no class-based system that differentiates anyone by wealth, popularity, or power. This jewelry is simply worn because it is found to be aesthetically pleasing. These pieces may range from necklaces, rings, bracelets, headbands, to pretty chains draped around hips, ankles, or other parts of the body.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Currently, dalnassi are a socialist community whose culture is largely based on sharing with those around them, whether this is food, shelter, money, knowledge, etc. This has been the way for eons, although stories are told of how the dalnassi were not always so peaceful and giving.   Their cultural heritage arose from a dark and warring past between multiple cultures. These cultures eventually came together to form today’s society after years of peace talks, arguments, and agreements. Eventually the cultures became absorbed into one overlying one that had been deemed the most successful and beneficial to the race as a whole.   Today’s dalnassi culture values cooperation, generosity, individual and collective creativity, personal dignity, solidarity in their communal family, neighborhood, and nation. It is understood that other races may not share their values or may live under different societal rules, and they value respect of their own traditions as well as respecting others.   They will show hostility towards those who seek to invade, conquer, or destroy their, or anyone else’s, societies based on differences of opinion or just for the sheer sake of conquering another civilization. It is of the utmost importance to the Dalnassi to respect Or’hinu and everything derived from it and they demand that same respect from other races whether they believe in it or not. This has led them to be the major peacekeepers of the universe.

Common Taboos

Some common taboos in dalnassi society include that of unsolicited touching. Dalnassi skin is very sensitive and to touch one is to be intimate with them. While offensive to touch the body, it is downright vulgar to touch a dalnassi’s smaller arms without permission as this part of their body is one of the most sensitive.   A related taboo would be to have intimate relations with one or more dalnassi and attempt to force secretions on the opposite sex with the intention of pregnancy. This is considered the dalnassi equivalent of rape and has severe repercussions if done.   While not strictly a taboo, it is frowned upon to decide to be monogamous. Societal view dictates that relations should be shared among everyone in order to make the race more diverse in the next generation. Being monogamous is also seen as trying to differentiate yourself from the socialist society. It can make one appear like they think they are better than everyone else, which also goes against the distinct lack of class-based social structure.   For dalnassi, in particular, it is extremely taboo to willingly deface the body with things such as tattoos, piercings, plastic surgery, etc. Not only is it unattractive to the dalnassi, but it is a disgusting affront to Or’hinu. It is not understood why anyone in dalnassi society would ever want to change the body they were given by the universe.

Common Myths and Legends

Or’hinu is the most prevalent of the dalnassi stories. While commonly referred to as a myth, this is incorrect. The basis of Or’hinu is actually in scientific data and research since it is the embodiment of all the matter that makes up the universe. Or’hinu is the universe. Dalnassi consider it a sacred right to protect Or’hinu and everything it has created and will create, violently if necessary.   It is possible for a race to be unaware of Or’hinu’s importance, and their ignorance may be seen as primitive. If a race is advanced enough, the dalnassi will share what knowledge they have of Or’hinu. If the race continues to disrespect Or’hinu and their disrespect turns to destruction of it or its creations, the dalnassi will forcefully turn on the race to protect the rest of Or’hinu.
160 to 180 Kethril years
(roughly 320 to 360 Earth years)
Average Height
Male: 236.22 cm (7 ft 9 in) *
Female: 228.6 cm (7 ft 6 in)
*Does not include added height from fins
Average Weight
Male: 117 kg (258 lbs)
Female: 113.4 kg (250 lbs)

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