Biomancer Profession in The Infinite Otherworlds | World Anvil


The most valuable profession for any Kvukri society is that of the Biomancer (Muvkhanash in Kha Erbud). Biomancers are the magi who keep the biological technology of Kvukri society functioning as well as developing new technological works. While many of the ruling elite of Kazed (and other Kvukri societies) are some form of Biomancer, the vast majority of Biomancers form the bulk of the upper echelon of Kvukri society, leading (as well as creating) the drone and clones that fill in the lower classes of Kazed society.   Biomancers are nearly exclusively trueborn, though a special category of clone is set aside for being used to fill in the lowest ranks of the Biomancers when extras are needed. These trueborn are rigorously tested, much as their clone 'cousins' to determine their best field of study (though as immediate members of a Noble House there is some leeway in this regard, though not too much). In the eyes of Kvukri, one must excel as much as possible. Their survival depends on such excellence.   As to the day to day work, that depends on one's rank and skill. Low ranking or weak Biomancers work with drones. They will oversee the spawning pools from which new drones are made in large batches as well as manage various drone crews and the like. This grade of Biomancer also deals with the mundane and tedious maintenance of equipment (as well as its creation). Middle ranking Biomancers (as well as high ranking ones) are the drivers of Biomantic research. It is this grade of Biomancer who monitors the growth of most clone lines. Biomancer of this level also lead the more specialized crews of clones in their work. High rank Biomancers form the leadership cadres of Kvukri society as well as manage the most specialized and delicate maintenance and biotech creation.


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