Ishes Nimarin Character in The Hylian Fantasy | World Anvil

Ishes Nimarin

My loyalty is to Hylia and her people. Not to a crown or it's rulings. Especially when those rulings threaten the very lives of its people. Something you appear to have forgotten, your Majesty.-
— Ishes Nimarin, Priestess of Hylia to Queen Nalur Athey
  A traveling priestess of Hylia, one of many that traverses the Sacred Road. Hailing from the Nima Plains, Ishes began her training at the Satori Shrine at the age of twelve. Now eighteen, she travels, performing various purification rites across Hyrule.   She is rarely seen without her traveling companion, the Goron Deggagi.

Personality Characteristics


Believes fully in allowing the light of Hylia to purify the land and it's people through her actions. Trusts that helping others leads to greater prosperity.
Year of Birth
416 PCE 16 Years old
Brilliant Cyan, like crystal ice
Sleek Black with a Priestess Cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned with Russian hues, but covered in pale makeup for ceremonies
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