Blin Species in The Hylian Fantasy | World Anvil


A broad genus of bipedal creatures, known for their deep connection to Demise. The Blin appear as demonic or imp like creatures with red-brown, green, blue, or yellow skin. The various sub-species run a wide gamut in size and general shape. Blin are less advanced than other sapient species in The Light World, living in small, loosely connected groups and being capable of using many primative tools, such as clubs and spears. Bokoblin exceed this base by capability to use and understand simple machines such as pulleys. Members of the order Gonni, the Blin are cousins to the Hinox, Fokka, and Goiyra. Being of the family Maduni, the Blin are more distantly related to the Fols and Lynel.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name


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