The Eastern Isles Geographic Location in The Hollow Moons | World Anvil
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The Eastern Isles


The Eastern Isles are an archipelago of eight inhabited islands off the eastern shores of Alven. There are four large islands, all belonging to 4 different clans:

  • Grenisle is the second largest of the island and the home of Clan Denotter - Greenholm - Eastern Isles . Its keep,Greenholm, lies on the western side of the island, facing the continent.

  • -The Inch is the third-largest islands and is the home of Clan Treecrane - Incholm - Eastern Isles. The keep, Inchholm is to be found not far inland from its harbour, Inchhaven. The Inch is linked to the mainland by a series of half-submerged hills that works as a causeway - albeit a treacherous one - between the island and the continent.

    After centuries of trying to increase their acreage, Clan Treecrane claimed a foothold on the continent. They own the lowlands of the Lowside Peninsula.
    Clansmen fought across generations to take these territories from the formidable Clan Wylfedd - Wylfholm - Lowside, otherwise known as the Wolves of Alven.
    Inchaber is ideal to shelter the islanders' ships as they make the ceaseless crossing between the Inch and the mainland laden with goods.

    The Causway

    Taking a safe path through The Causway was for a long time a well-guarded secret by the clansmen of Clan Treecrane.
    However, when the age of peace was ushered in Alven with the creation of the Thaneship and The Arkivon, the trade links became more important than safety and bridges were built between the hills to provide safe passage for carts and their tradesmen.  
  • Reidden is the smallest of the four main islands. It is in fact two islands connected by a series of rocks, which now support a short and sturdy bridge.

  • The smallest of the island is heavily fortified and is the home of Clan Redgill's keep, Reidholm. Reidholm is a formidable fortress that has never been captured by enemy clans in the past.

    The three other small islands are also part of Clan Reidden. It is the clansmen's knowledge and skills in fortifications that finally sealed the islands' fate. Other clans could not take back the islands from the Reids - at least by force - once their builders set to fortify the shores.
    The three islands are thus named from west to east: Torreidon, Kepmore , and Shoreidie.
    Shoreidie is now the property of The Sanctuary - a gift to the order from Clan Reiden, a hundred years ago.  

  • Eelie][Inchaber is the largest islands in the archipelago and is home to two powerful clans: Clan Eelguard - Weelhem - Eastern Isles and Clan Sealson - Stanholm - Eastern Isles.

  • After fighting each other for centuries, the two clans are now but one and are governed by two chieftains, who are usually brothers.
    The Eelguard seat, Weelhelm, is on the southern shore of the huge island while Clan Sealson's keep: Stanholm is miles away on the northern shores.

    Habitats and Natural Resources

    - The Ancient Volcanic Range of the Eastern Isles

    The mountains of the Eastern Isles are very different from those on the continents. They are made up of long-extinct volcanoes eroded by millennia of wind, rain and ice.
    So much so that what we see nowadays are the inner chambers of the volcanos made of more resistant stones.

    The hills have a distinct dark shape, conical and their edges are very jagged. Nothing much can grow on the side of the old volcanos. However, the valleys in between the hills are very fertile and have been used by generations of herdsmen and shepherd to rear sheep and cattle.

    The weather in the hills of the Eastern Isles is not as clement as on the island shores and the clansmen and women who live in the remote mountain valleys are of a hardy type - the animals they breed as well.
    The main industry of The Hillsides - as it is commonly known - is geared towards rearing cattle and sheep, and the islands are well known for their own brand of woolen cloth.

    However, lately, gold veins have been discovered in the mountains, and a gold rush has started to make its effect felt in the Hillsides of both Grenisle and Eelie.

    Mining towns such as Grenfall have sprung up from nowhere attracting clansmen and adventurers from the continent to the consternation of the quiet and peaceful local population. Clan chieftains have had to appeal to the Arkivon for help in maintaining orders in these lawless enclaves.

    - The Coastline and the Machairs

    The Machairs are coastal green fertile fields on the coastal plains of the islands. They have their own special ecosystem. The benign influence of the oceanic weather and its high humidity makes it a good environment to rear sheep and cattle.

    The cold winds and winter icy storms prevent trees to grow to any height. The fields are awash with colour in the spring as the Machair plants flower early to take advantage of the short summer season.
    The flowering of the Machair is considered one of the sights of Alven. Many songs have been written and sung about it.

    The beaches of the Eastern Isles are mostly cobblestones. However, there are some fine white sand beaches on Grenisle, The Inch and Eelie.

    The kelp is collected from the shores all year round to be spread on the coastal fields and even further inland. The rocks of the jagged coast are also the main breeding ground for many colonies of sea birds.

    Powerful guano is gathered from the nooks and crannies where the birds have perched once the nesting season is over.
    The guano is a commodity in high demand that is exported to the mainland when there are surpluses.  

    To add:
  • sheep and wool

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