Bone dice
Bone dice is an orcish pass time and simple betting game common amongst Seed Orcs. The game is a simple dice betting game. The bets are usually shares of the loot of the coming raid, sometimes even being challenges such as "if I win, you must only fight the next raid with looted weapons".
The game is notable for having no constant of any form. Rules and stipulations can be made up on the spot and be agreed upon before a roll. It in fact becomes more about negotiating a set of rules for two opposing parties to agree upon rather than about the actual dice roll. Hence why the name of the game only refers to the material used to play it and not any unified standard every player recognises. If an orc pulls a pair of bone dice, it is likely they will refer to the following game as "a game of bone dice" regardless of what rules are agreed upon.
The history of Bone Dice as a game comes from the orcs cutting animal bones into shape and using the scrapped pieces to fidget with, often before a raid. Naturally, it became a shared pass time and with contact with a population of tengu who had dice rolling as a betting game, the orcs started making dice of their own. It's around the same time they begun integrating dice rolls into their pervasive trading discussions.
At first to solve disputes when two individuals couldn't agree on the terms of the trade, the Bone Dice game both allowed to practice negotiating with another orc and allowed for the quick resolution of conflict when negotiations fell apart. Naturally, its connection to pre-raid stress then added a betting side to it where orcs would bet their theoretical loot as a result of the coming raid in the fickle hands of the dice rolls.
The game is now a way for orcs of a same clan to train in negotiating, much like they train their combat skills by fighting each other.
Step 1:
The two parties spend a time negotiating a win condition. This is often the longest part of the game where the orcs of a same clan hone their negotiating skills for doing trade.
Step 2:
Once a win condition is agreed upon, parties agree on the number of rolls each have to tally up a high enough score to satisfy the win condition. Any numeral difference between the two parties is often solved then by adding rolls until they have rolled in equal amount as their opponent(s).
Step 3:
The dice finally rolls, the scores of each dice being tallied up then compared in how they satisfy or don't satisfy the agreed upon winning condition. This may sometimes lead to an additional negotiation phase, in which each party will redefine a new winning condition and back to step 1.
The game becomes far more about the exchanges the opposing parties have around the game or at the occasions of the game occuring as the actual dice roll. This is a fairly evident concept to orcs though they enjoy confusing non-orc people with the very lack of standard ruleset which makes bone dice so characteristic.
Components and tools
2+ four sided dices (d4), referred to as beaks.
Each individual participant gets a roll with the beaks. In case of numeral superiority of a party over another, the less numerous party adds rolls in order to equal out the number of rolls.
Bone dice is only played between two parties, though those parties can count multiple individuals, they will always be of equal weight when rolling dice.
Orcs often play Bone dice in the lead up to a raid or other conflict. It rarely occurs after yielding resources from a raid. A game of bone dice may last over several days preceding a raid but will never continue post-raiding.
The consequences of losing at Bone dice are often mitigated by orcs sharing their loot after raids, without a need for dice to govern that interaction.
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