Lycander Character in the Heartless Whole | World Anvil
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Brother Lycander (a.k.a. our honored brother)

Blood of my enemy to the blood of the ancients, we shall consume yours to make our heritage stronger

Only those who Seek the truth find their blood to be vile, and my strength in fangs they call Belial.
— Lycander

Seize the glory-...

I watch the backgrounds of men very closely, and I have come to one conclusion.
We have all needed a leader in battle, and I saw myself as no less the candidate.
Those without fangs were meant to be drinked upon, their blood is meant to have us drinked upon
because they do not have what it takes to be called bold blood, they shall be drinked into our Empire of Fangs.

Sometimes I feel like people don't get what it feels to be truly alive, and I know this all too well, how many people wish to spill their own blood. But I have a proposition --- that you come over into Vempire, where your blood spilled is owed to the blood of our ancestors, that your blood might contribute to our growing, and bolster the genetics and nutrition of the most excellent bloodline of them all --- of Vempire.

My true vision

  Have the world in black and white, let the lines drawn be clear.
We are a race more potent, both in mind and in strength,
The lands shall run in our blood, and let the others' tainted by spilled
into the earth where it belongs, back to mother nature and all shall be well.
Those prosper without glory is those prosper illegally
and let those die into the blood-soaked earth so that we may walk on the headstones ---
Which they built for us upon tarred ground to commemorate the occasion
of a slandering feast of blood licked clean, and the sap of the essence be filled with us glee!
by IanZA


  I love you because you are my brother, and you shall call me as such too, fellows of true blood, bold blood.

I adore all with a pair of fangs made to crunch into vein, mine's seven inch.

I make it clear though, I posses powers and magics that can shield us from vile blood. I don't touch vile blood, and I don't like to eat rotten blood.

What I eat is what you can give me, but I assure you this can protect you from further staining of the lines of blood.
Let my lines run be pure so that we can prosper together.

I have a proposition --- your donation of my meals from your bodies, let it be random, so no less it is the great blood god Vhic'sol's will imposed upon thee. It shall be named the true blood decree.  

Special abilities

Blood magic

  • Blood bomb
  • Blood bolts
  • Turning blood into water
  • Turning blood into acidic material and using it against enemies
  • The rising of blood amongst the dead to prevent resurrection or holy attunement
  • Blood into any office to suffocate or pollute sources of liquid.

  Signature moves: (in ascending order of power)

      1. Signal of the pure bloods --- sends out a ripple of divine blood to scorch those unworthy in bloodline, the ripple is ten times the speed of sound and reaches the size of a small city.

      2. Send out to smear the earth --- forces opponents down to their knees with a crushing force, and proceed to wipe them like a mop on the earth so as to paint their blood on the canvas of the earth, and Lycander can choose the way in which he is pushed onto the ground, and the how strong the force is to control the amount of blood flowing from him.

      3. Lay down in brother fangs --- calls together a band of Vempire which can be consumed by Lycander to heal them, sucking them clear of their blood but providing Lycander without added strength, agility, constitution.

      4. Painting on the ground is freed --- the blood essence which the ground is smeared by in the lands of Vempire turn to become a great flood akin to that of the Red Sea which washed away all soldiers coming to attack Lycander, and the blood sea come to the Blood Drain headquarters to be drained away.


Religious Views

A most devout worshipper. Worships the blood god Vhic'sol
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Other Affiliations
Blood drain
Organization | Jul 14, 2021
Organization | Jul 14, 2021
Character | Jul 14, 2021

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Cover image: Lycander by randomchipzz


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