8745th Montral Fusilliers "Terra"

"HBow'd you do it?"   "Do what?"   "Get them to reinstate your regiment's 'Terra' emblazon?"   "I wasn't consulted... But seeming as the regiment is raised off Terra, the same Noram Hive, specifically, like the prior one, no one saw fit to raise a stink."   "How old is that flag?"   "The design is dated to the beginning of the eight century of the second millenium... Like the Van Doos'"   I remembered the events she was mentioning, no, not the original founding of the first Montral Fusiliers, which I know believe is missing a letter or two... But the one I presided over, when the 8744th Montral fusiliers regiment was thanked for their service, and I was tasked, as temporary colonel-commissar, to found a new regiment to take up the traditions of the 8744th.   It was the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year in East Noram Hive, the site chosen for the ceremony was a small, stone building, no more than three stories tall, it's central hall transected by a foundational pillar of the hive itself, its cyclopean might blotting out the sun in places, was it not a very rainy day, for what was usually the rainiest month of the year. The audience was our
Military, Army Regiment
Predecessor Organization

Character flag image: Nunquam Retrorsum


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